
Moments At Twilight Time Thus leading to this photo,
one that made me
so proud to know you...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Oops, that's not it...
Julie Howell All the women seeing that will say 'hair highlights'.
You need to get out more, Mick (though probably not to stare through the
window of ladies hair salons - remember how much trouble you got in last
Julie Howell It takes over an hour and three assistants to put my
foils in. Fact.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I'd have been fine if I had trousers
on. This is the picture I meant really. I still prefer the other one

Magic Moments At Twilight Time So,
where does the future lie for Julie Howell?
Julie Howell I'm committed to my role as city councillor until
Julie Howell After that it depends on whether I'm voted in again or
not. Each term is 4 years.
Julie Howell It's a seven-day-a-week job so it also depends how
long I can keep it up for. None of us is getting any younger!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And I'm sure everybody else would
join with me in wishing you all the very best in whatever you choose to do
next. Well, it's been an absolute pleasure having you talk at me for the
last hour and half ;), which just leaves me to let you get on with doing
David's curry (you listening to this, Sam?), offer my thanks and eternal
affection and play out with the greatest highlight of your recording
career. You made a great witch, incidentally...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Memories...
Julie Howell Thank you. It has been lovely to think about those
times again. Lots of love to you and Sam and thanks for everything. xxx
Julie Howell I take the piss but I love you all lots. xxx
Magic Moments At Twilight Time It's okay, I think you got away with
it... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ladies and gentlemen, Julie White
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