
Jerry Kranitz YES!! Hal is hell bent on establishing an alternative
to Facebook, at least for the experimental music niche people. I'm with
him. Though my net casts wide musically. I've got friends all over the
Space/Psych/Electronic/Experimental spectrum. So while I'm heavily into
what Hal is doing, I don't see myself dispensing with Facebook any time
Jerry Kranitz Again, Facebook deserves the criticism it gets, but
the fact is it's a tremendous networking resource.
Jerry Kranitz So the future, I supposed, is in the establishment of
niche social media resources. We'll see. It's all so damn fluid I just
don't know.
Jerry Kranitz I'd just say in summary that it's working just fine
for me.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I love what he's trying to do,
really hope it does succeed, Facebook can be quite stifling at times, what
with all those fucking algorithms seeking to restrain creativity et al.
It's controversial too, you have the die-hards like Litter who won't come
anywhere near it, you can't trust them with personal data - however, if
not for Facebook, I just don't know how we would reach enough people to
make our projects worthwhile.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Worth mentioning Lord Litter
interviewed me for Electronic Cottage just recently, which you'll find on
the link, quite the most in depth interview I've ever given. I do intend
to show my support practically and join up myself, just finding that bit
of extra time at the mo. Like 5 year old daughter and school summer

Jerry Kranitz Just noticed this. I'll check that out!!!
Jerry Kranitz Yup, like I said, we shall see. I'll just keep
rolling with it...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Me too, a necessary evil, I fear. I
think part of Litter's argument, save the obvious more sinister ones, is
that ease of communication tends to have the effect of cheapening it.
Honestly, if I had a pound for every one line PM I've had with nothing
more than "we are" and "listen to this link" on!
Jerry Kranitz Exactly.
Jerry Kranitz I really want to thank you for your interest in
including me. This was awesome! My wife is going out of her way to make
sure I smell the burgers she's grilling :-)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Was gonna say, I guess we're nearing
the end of our two hours now. Shit, that's gone REALLY quickly! Jerry,
thank you so much for this...

Jerry Kranitz THANK YOU!!! (Off to dinner!!) |
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Because it lead to this...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time And this...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Been an absolute pleasure talking to
you, enjoy your burgers, and may I take this opportunity of wishing you
every success with the book. Ladies and gentlemen, JERRY KRANITZ!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Footnote:
Jerry's original review of "Creavolution" can be read as part of the
network article I wrote on AI in the Rise 2016 edition of The Magic Net;

And finally, an additional post
I found the following morning...
John Garrity Jerry Kranitz what a great guy. Met him at StrangeDaze
and he turned me on to Aural Innovations. He then sold me a lot of stuff
at both StrangeDaze and Progday. Still remember silver man.