Marc Gordon Hendley Bell It was composed from lots of different
bits & styles I thought initially would not work. The 'Quo' rhythm guitar
with Damien's (very clean) solos on top. The twin lead vocals.... the
'that's chick' reminded me of Meatloaf. Then all the little production
aspects, like bouncing in the party scene live from one DAT machine, while
we recorded onto the 2nd one as we'd run out of tracks....
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ah, great results though. I think
the party scene really worked BECAUSE it was real. Heard a lot of very
obvious fakes, but ours was a cracker. I've always told people it was a
wrap party for "Creavolution" though... so I've been lying all these
years!? ??
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Of course the party scene was real..... I
was there & 100% sober.
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell The re-master was tricky because of the
'low frequency' range of the lead vocals. It's much clearer in the new
digital one, but much more fun in the analogue one. As they clashed with
other instruments slightly in the original mix..... we didn't have a big
digital desk back then.
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Actually I think it was mixed on a Seck
18.8.2, not bad for it's day.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Amazing how much technology has come
on over the years. What would you say has been the key piece of progress that
has made your functioning as a sound engineer that much better and more
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Please come back, Marc, I'm starting
to feel like a spare part here...
(*Don't even think about commenting, Julie Howell!!!)
Julie Howell :)
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell I'm still here...… I guess I answered
comments on the other page??
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Well, Marc Gordon Hendley Bell
appears to have gone walkabout with Julie White Hawk (she'll be my guest
on Monday at 17:00 BST / UTC +1, I'm sure Marc will get his own back
then). Oh, Marc's back! Right, let's go back to that question...
Amazing how much technology has come on over the years. What would you say
has been the key piece of progress that has made your functioning as a
sound engineer that much better and more productive?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell You're right Mick the technology has moved
on beyond what I could dream of back in 1994/5 (let alone from the 70's
when I started out).
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell The DAT machine showed the way on to the
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And how are current developments
influencing what you do?
Julie Howell I don't know what you're talking about, Mick. Neither
of us has moved a muscle the entire time.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Go away!
Julie Howell How can I go away, I've been sat at this computer for
the past 90mins!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Behave yourself then!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I hope you're not going to be this
unruly on Monday evening!
Julie Howell What do YOU think? I'm not sure I could hold a candle
to Marc though, writing on the wrong page and you not noticing for 45
mins. Classic times.
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell But it wasn't til DAW's took off &
computers big enough to run them you could start to match the creativity
of analogue.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And how are current developments
influencing what you do?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell We use PreSonus Studio One V4 (full
Professional) now..... through a 32gig PC.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time What about an answer that normal
people would understand?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Here we moved on and have a desk that is
totally linked to the software with analogue insert & out put points.....
you can't get anywhere near this on a home PC or lap-top. Hence we can
'fly in' any old FX, or analogue gear during recording or mix-down.
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell I'm here to answer, don't worry (I have 67
notifications sitting above me!)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I'm jealous. So, let's take a little
backward step here, back to kind of how this all began. It was when you
invited me up to Brain Dead (first time we met, of course) to add some
guitar, synth FX and backing vocals to the Thamesmead Rollers original of
"Armegeddon Time". Let's have a listen to that one and give me a few
minutes to compose myself again, and give you some time to get some
excuses for writing it together...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Great intro... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Were you chewing a cheese-grater at
the time?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Current developments? The software is very
fast to operate, so you can work much more quickly than with reel to reel
machines. That analogue re-master took me almost all night using a Revox
Magic Moments At Twilight Time We're on listening to the original
"Armegeddon Time" now! :)
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Yep, the version we hear here is the
extended dance mix version. It was intended to be a piss take out of Mark
Jenkins' original release of 'Creavolution'. This is the previously
unheard 'Take 5'.... Derek didn't like it!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time No, I'm listening to the OLD
Thamesmead Rollers one, thought it would be a clever link to TMR's Take 5.
The best laid men of mice with plans, eh?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell The original version of Armeggedon Time
was the closing track on 'Too Old To Rock?' Which we invited Mick to
contribute to once we'd laid down the backtrack & lead vocals.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time That's the one, I've finished
listening to it now. Really sounds a lot better with the time buffer. What
was that, '93?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell I'd already done a guitar solo & Derek had
some good keyboard parts, but we thought it needed something extra, that
why I called in Mick for something different!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Plus he liked the studio of course!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Well, that's pretty much how it all
started, innit? I think it wasn't long after that that you offered to let
us use the studio for "Creavolution" for free, for which you have our
eternal gratitude. As I put on the inlay for your new remaster, without
your help and support, I rather doubt the original CD would have happened,
let alone the new one!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell The version of 'Armeggedon Time' we're
listening to here was re-worked the year after the TOTR release by me &
Mike Westergaard (Whom I did the 'Ghosts' album with). It's the same thing
but different I guess?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Certainly, which leads us nicely to
actually listening to that then. You're gonna love this, a 10+ minute epic
dance track, deliberately full of errors as a tribute to the 'company'
that |
did the first (bodged) pressing of the original CD. Ladies and gentlemen,
this is TMR - "Armegeddon Time (F.A.M.E. Mega-Mix (Take 5)", enjoy muchly.
And if you don't like psyche-dance music, it's long enough to have a pee,
make a brew, whatever... ;)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Oh, shake that funky groove thang!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Cool. It was actually quite difficult to
put together a mix like this with all these planned errors and still make
it sound good. Derek over-ruled me on using this (which I thought was the
best mix). He didn't like the long false start at the beginning or the
'rain' sample from Michael Chapman (Rain-Maker) at the end. Michael gave
us his blessing when he heard it, which was fantastic!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I love this track, fucking
masterpiece. So how did you come to meet and work with Mike Westergaard?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell This version is now also available on the
'Ghosts' (Expanded Edition as a bonus track).
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Plug plug, you're not on bloody
Terry Wogan, you know!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Me & Mike met around 10 years previously
(& we're still friends!). He was in The Blessing & had just been dropped
by MCA records. He set up 'Studio 99' a couple of doors down the road from
me. Back then he had the money & the gear I could only dream of...… now
he's retired & I have a much better studio!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Terry Wogan is dead ain't he? I've plugged
'Creavolution' all day on Twitter...… well over 2500 hits with a 16.5 link
rate to the albums! Beat that!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Nice man. Ah, I enjoyed that (and
had the opportunity for a pee, middle aged man thing). So, let's talk
about "Ghosts" a bit. The Rollers were very much a kind of lo fi grungy
rock band (with occasional softer moments, like the enchanting "Fly Way"),
how did the idea and concept come about of turning so much of your music
into the TMR dance mixes?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Plus all the direct marketing (no bulk
mail-outs here).
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell You're younger than me! 'Ghosts' actually
sprang from Derek's ideas. We had a few hours of studio time booked with
Mike @ Studio 99 after completing the Candor Records single 'Too many
Years'. Derek suggested doing some 'dub' mixes! Me & Debbie said FUCK
OFF..... but we tried it.
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell They are also now available on the new
'Ghosts' release (Shameless plug!).
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Mike said he could take it one step
further & did some planning. It took a year to execute..... the longest
we'd ever spent on a project. Derek & Debbie got pissed off as we were
also recording our Candor Records debut at the same time.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Good thing too! M&E fans may well
remember the 1996 cassette album of "Ghosts", but may be surprised to know
it's gone from strength to strength and has sold thousands SINCE the M&E
days. I don't know how this link thing works with Nimbit, I've got the
expanded version of "Ghosts" up and the URL still says "Creavolution
Reborn"! Mad. So, tell us about "Ghosts" today, I understand a lot of
stuff has been added in the way of bonus material?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And you can put in the proper link
if ya like!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Likewise I was a bit pissed off with Chris
Dor's 'easy listening' production. But Both Ghosts & Kingdom Come turned
out OK I guess.
Marc Gordon
Hendley Bell OK shameless plug time here! A 24 track expanded version
of 'Ghosts' is available on TMR Records (currently our 2nd best seller!).
Inc; many un-heard & rare stuff, plus 2 recent 'dance' tracks at: (click
on image)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time So what are the next plans for The
Thamesmead Rollers / TMR / Marc Bell? I'm kind of enjoying a renaissance
at 60 myself, making all sorts of plans, and you?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Firstly to re-issue the remaining original
albums, 'Wasted Years' (Expanded) is ready to roll. Update the anthology,
'Full Circle'. Re-issue them all on CD from new re-masters.... not Chris's
ones! Then to release a new album of previously un-heard new material. And
I'm only 63....
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Bless ya. Well, I guess that more or
less wraps things up for now, hope you'll come back and talk to us again
at some point during the 7 weeks of our launch fiestatron, be nice to go
through "Ghosts" in a bit more detail. How's the demand for downloads been
going for "Creavolution Reborn" today?
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Me & Mike did start a 2nd dance mix album
in 1996, but were too busy to complete it. Finished tracks inc:
'Poltergeist'. But I'd love to do a new one totally from scratch!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Chris's fault too much live work at the
time for Candor Records.
Gordon Hendley Bell I also work with a lot of other acts these days,
management & production..... plus do live sound & stage management. Here's
another plug for a gig I'm doing the live sound for next week!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Don't blame you (more dance stuff),
it was such an interesting diversion from your usual output. Anyway, Sam
is struggling to get Twizz to go to sleep next door coz she can hear me
tapping away in here (plus I kind of fancy popping up the Spar for a beer
meself, only coz it's your birthday, of course)! So, Marc, many thanks for
all your belief and support over the years, all through the tough legal
struggle to get the original album out, and for doing all the work on the
new remasters, very much appreciated. Oh, and here's wishing you a very
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And thanks for talking to us
tonight, of course, it's been a truly interesting experience!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell I've just noticed Sammy has downloaded
'Rock & Roll Lifestyle' (Analogue)…. it's up on split screen. 87 further
downloads since we've been talking..... Twitter works wonders!!!!!!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Cool..... I've hope you've enjoyed the
start of the PR for 'Creavolution Reborn' too!
Marc Gordon Hendley Bell Shite..... MP3 again.....
Magic Moments At Twilight Time If only Facebook did! Ladies and
gentlemen, Marc Gordon Hendley Bell! I'll be back here tomorrow morning at
10:30 (BST/UTC +1) with the legendary Shona Moments, but I'm off for a
beer or two now, I think I've earned it! If you'd like to know more about
Marc's career, I interviewed him back in the May of 2014, which you can
find on our website at...