
Where do I start with Chris Carter? He was the first person that ever took
any notice of MMATT, and being something of a local hero already at the
time, that made a huge difference. It lead to the creation of The Grain,
which lead to Music & Elsewhere, which lead to us still talking about this
stuff over 30 years later. The perfect English eccentric and probably the
most charismatic front man I have ever seen, it was an honour to share a
stage with him. Stick around for a few minutes, this should be a trip...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Good evening, Chris, and how do we
find you on this gloriously warm summer eve?
Chris Carter It’s a bit muggy up here in Northamptonshire
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Up? That's southern softie land,
lad! We're up from you these days!
Chris Carter I’ve been busy being a house daddy
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Oh, I do a lot of that! Well, it's
2018, why shouldn't the wives be the one who own businesses while we look
after the little princesses and clean house?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time How is your little princess doing? I
love this picture...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Twizz wants a fairy picture too!
Chris Carter Yes you’re right there. Princess poopy pants takes a
lot of running
Magic Moments At Twilight Time That picture though, beautiful,
going to have to look this Donna Hayward up. How's Rosie coming along now?
How old is she now? I lost track.
Chris Carter She’s 7 now and still interloping with the fairies and
Chris Carter Donna is a local friend

Chris Carter I did that one |
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ah, excellent photographer too.
Fairies, unicorns, check. So, fuck, where do we start, 1987, Eddie Irwin
says, "Come and see The Charles, bring a tape, Chris likes weird shit like
you do!" I was sheepish, Eddie didn't know about my guilty secret of the
first time our paths crossed, when I was still a 20 year old horrible
bully shithead. Consider this a humble public apology for that. By this
point, you were already something of a local legend, Julie White Hawk said
her and her friends used to follow you around town, you remember that?
Chris Carter Yeah there was like this entourage of ladies and
chaps. I never really thought much about it, we all had the desire to do
something different.
Chris Carter I remember the nose incident. You already apologised
for that one.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time But never enough, it was a really
shitty thing to do.
Chris Carter well I can imagine in those heady days of the end of
rock n roll etc you must have been coaxed into it a bit.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Not really, 100% on me.
Chris Carter I gotta admit I was surprised that I didn’t get
punched more often in those days.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Do something different, yeah, which
was never easy in a town like Camberley, I know. Of course, The Charles
wasn't the beginning for you, your earlier claim to fame had been with
punk outfit Lethal Dose (what did John Peel know, eh?), what are your
memories of those early beginnings? Guess you guys must have got a bit of
a way up the ladder, you were the only band we got charged royalties for
from the "Grain-Aid!" compilation!

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Martin, bless him, another one of
those sadly no longer with us.
Chris Carter Well being at the end of the original punk thing we
had a job to do for the young punk people that still wanted to rebel. John
didn’t really like our style but it didn’t stop us. The local punk scene
was bigger than ever and we played to our audience.
Julie Howell Longest-standing graffiti on the side a building on
London Road facing where the Arena now stands.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Why, good evening, Miss Howell.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time What does it say?
Julie Howell I don't think it's there now. It read 'Lethal Dose'.
Julie Howell I'm not here for long. I've got to make David a butter
Chris Carter Me and Martin put that there. Big Chris too. It was a
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Does David eat anything BUT curry?
Just curious, nowt wrong with curry.
Julie Howell Curries about twice a week. Other nights it might be
chicken fajitas, Italian beef pasta, chilli, pasta salmon bake, fish bake,
vegetarian slices, pizza. Anything goes, really.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I'm moving in.
Julie Howell I got a load of raspberries, strawberries and
blackberries in for dessert but we're out of cream so it could go in any
number of directions to be honest.
Julie Howell Have switched to my iPad so I can cook and follow.

Julie Howell Going well.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time It was, I guess, a little retro, but
I've never understood why the 'music biz' feels this constant need to move
along and reinvent things every five minutes. What if we LIKE what's going
on? Okay, let's have a listen to Lethal Dose, maybe these aren't the best
quality recordings now, but "Ron Is Alright"...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Oh, this smokes!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Headphones, Twizz is in bed!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Enjoyed that!
Chris Carter I actually wrote this one to some extent, it’s a nod
to what was called Oi!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time So who was "Ron"?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I thought that was quite an easy
question... :(
Chris Carter Ron was this bloke I worked with on the job scheme. He
was really friendly and used to entertain us with his little jokes and
Chris Carter Sorry was listening to the music with my kid
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Guess I'm lucky Twizz hits the hay