
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Which lead to a particularly long
and bitter legal battle that delayed the release of the album for some
seven months. How cool do I look in my Perry Magic costume? ;) It also
lead Marc to do the wonderful "Armegeddon Time (F.A.M.E. Mega Mix)" that
has now become the album's official 11th track, incorporating (and
exaggerating, let's be fair) just about every error the manufacturer had
made on that first pressing! This is TMR, with Mike Westergaard of The
Blessing, the dance mix of that Thamesmead Rollers track I did guitar,
synths and backing vocals on...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ultimately, we were rescued by
Sounds Good of Theale, Berkshire, and a mastering engineer called Henry
Smithson, the resulting album finally being released on 20th May 1996.
Henry is still in the business today, his expertise can be sought via his
official website and he comes highly recommended by myself!

Sam Lancaster An all round good guy
Magic Moments At Twilight Time It would always feel like something
of a hollow victory that we 'won' the legal case and the album finally
came out though...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time But let's finish our tale on a
happier note and give the final word to Wil Walker and his Cheapo Card
Company, a staple of the M&E Audiozine for many moons. Wil drew this
wonderful spoof of the "Creavolution" cover art and did this rather cheeky
mash up. Ladies and gentlemen, "The Magi Crap (Mega Mix)"...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time The guilty party...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Love it!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time So here we are, 22 years later, the
new analogue remaster CD is out next Friday (31st August 2018)! My sincere
thanks to both Marc Gordon Hendley Bell and Jerry Kranitz for that!
Meanwhile, have you had your free download yet? Just click on the cover
image below...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Many thanks for sharing some
memories with me through the last four hours of music (and elsewhere),
much appreciated, hope you enjoy all the freebies! I'm going to take a
very quick break and will be back here with Professor Damien Page in a
little over 15 minutes...
