

















A   C A S S E T T E   C U L T U R E   S P E C I A L


First Broadcast : Saturday 3rd August 2024

Running Time: 58:00






On Saturday 13th July, the people of Preesall & Knott End celebrated a very special space themed Gala, knowing it was leading up to the fruition of Preesall Town Council's MARS 24™ space programme; the launch of the WSS Boobyprise (Consolation Class, registry number PTC 5317) from Knott End International Spaceport. We were there, come share the day with us...

In the ferry car park, where all the floats and participants are getting ready for the procession. That's Twizz's friend's little brother William being a Martian there...


01. Endzeitgeneration - First Earth, Then Space (3:44)

Electro-experimental project of Alex Frick, the man behind the German Neuzeitliche Tonkonstruktionen tape label back in the day, this track from 1992. He's still around, but sadly no Bandcamp or similar...


Walking along the Esplanade towards the village...


02. Ras.Al.Ghul - Multiquantum Flux (3:41)

Fernando Cerqueira was one half of this Portuguese electro duo, as well as running the SPH Tapes label. This is from 1999, but nowadays, of course, he's much better known for his output under the banner of WHΛLTHISИEY...

Getting in to position on the church wall, ready for the main procession...


03. Into The Abyss - Lunar Drive (4:02)

The lead vocalist of this excellent Greek psychedelic goth rock outfit was one Iannis Kalifatidis, who also produced the cassette culture zine Fight Amnesia, along with some great compilations under the same name. This track from 1998, nowadays singer and guitarist with Penny Dreadful...

That's Pilling Band you can hear marching past now...


04. Magic Moments At Twilight Time - Traveller II (5:41)

I think you can probably find everything you could possibly want to know (and more you didn't) right here on this website, so not much more to add. 1987 vintage, original foursome line up, featuring the delectable Miss Shona Moments on vocals...

The procession continues...


05. Dark Star - Masterplace (5:01)

Great dark space electronica from German musician Wolfgang Reffert, 2000 vintage, the man who used to do the cassette culture friendly Pleasuredome show on Radio Dreyeckland way back when...

And now it's Poulton Band you can hear marching past...


06. Disc - Space (4:03)

An amazing and lively band from Leamington Spa, like a psyche freak version of Madness at times, this from their 1994 M&E cassette release, 'Disc 1.0'. Sadly, I have no idea what happened to any of them, but should any of them see this, well, you're still on the playlist 30 years on, how cool is that...


Skit doing his usual thing of not knowing what a cow sounds like, and yeah, more procession, it was quite big...


07. THX:// - Das Marzprojekt (excerpt - 3:30)

Don't be fooled by the name, this was actually a Welsh experimental project from BZ Recordings, circa 1998, another I unfortunately lost contact with in those erratic pre-internet days. I know the guy also recorded under the name ISVN, but can't find any current information. If you're out there...


Ooh, yeah, we had a steel band float this year, all the way from the delightful village of Milnthorpe in Cumbria...


08.  Captain's Log - This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us (excerpt - 4:38)

A year 2000 solo side hustle of Finnish space cadet, Juba Nurmenniemi, who I hope has now stopped laughing at my sad attempt to pronounce his name. I deliberately cut this one a bit short because I wanted to get the whole 12¾ minutes in of a track from his main band of the time...

09. Pseudo Sun - Signs Of Life (12:43)

... who also graced the M&E label. The rest of the band, it seems, were Swedish, and Scandi spacerock sounds as great as ever, this track being of a 1997 vintage. Juba is currently touring and recording with the Swedish (with a Finn!) punk band, Dead Pollys...


Now at the Gala Field (that's our Twizz next to William the Martian), the post-procession funfair in full swing, everyone keenly awaiting the launch countdown...


10. Lord Litter - The Return Of The Magnificent Space Captain (5:34)

The late Jörg Dittmar, the man I called The Patron Saint Of The Underground, this German legend and friend of some three decades standing, that we lost earlier this year, was cassette culture personified, I rather doubt anyone can claim to have done more for The Cause. He loved a bit of space, so this classic from his finest tape album, 1991's 'Torn Between Temptations', seems the perfect track to finish on...

The Unpleasant Reality Of Living In A Litter Free Zone


1 0 . . .   9 . . .   8 . . .   7 . . .   6 . . .   5 . . .   4 . . .   3 . . .   2 . . .   1 . . .

W  E     H  A  V  E     L  I  F  T     O  F  F  !

* We will be back next month, IN space, Saturday 7th September, don't forget your helmets... *