Unfortunately, due to it having been the school
summer break in England, Mick was only able to put together a somewhat short
version of the show this month. Luckily, with a little foresight and
planning, he had previously managed to get a man on board the WSS Boobyprise
before its launch at the end of our last edition. The ship is now docked at
Preesall Town Council's Moonbase Alpha at Mare Imbrium, from whence said man on board
able to bring you a very special broadcast...
Dr. Magic's Audio Lab
01. Opening Jingle (0:17)
02. Cheapo Card Company - Magic Jingle 24 (0:32)
You may possibly remember Wil Walker from
the July show? He sent a note of thanks for our airing his "old... very
old... bleedin’ ancient" track, 'Rusty Machine', and included this piece of
"just a bit of piddling-about bollocks" to demonstrate his appreciation,
which proved ideal for this special short show. Oh, and one of those 'small
world' tales I love so much; also on the show was Gary Rostock, based in the
Czech Republic, and they only turned out to be distant relatives of each
other! You couldn't make it up. And I really haven't, promise.
03. Closing Jingle (0:08)
Raydio Bradcast Whilst Trying To Establish Contact
Charles Rice Goff III & Justynn Tyme present
"Mrs. Morris Goes To Mars" -
Act I: "A Game Called Invasion" (6:55)
Live From Moonbase Alpha
01. Astral Magic - Meeting With The Spacemen (7:44)
Another appearance on the show for the sounds of prolific Finnish spacerocker
Mika Laakso, aka Santtu, former bassist with Dark Sun. This track from the
album "Cruising The Celestial Highways", released in May this year. More to come, undoubtedly...
02. Josh Ingle - The Great Void (4:33)
Taken from IFAR musique concrète compilation
album, "Oeuvres Pour l'Orchestre Toujours Présent", suggested by Shaun
Robert for inclusion. Hopefully, I'll be able to replace this sentence with
some proper artist info by the time I publish, but if it's still here, I
failed dismally, but did at least find him on Soundcloud where there is a
fair bit of information. But absolutely no music. Life mocks me...
Levente - Heart Of Orion (8:13)
The talented electronic musician originally
from Transylvania, nowadays resident in Hampshire, England. This is the
first of three space-themed pieces the Bullet remixed into 'Astra Cum
Distorta', but you really need to hear them in their original form, which
I'll be facilitating over the next couple of months. This is from his 2000
album, 'Places', his "homage to the Hubble telescope and its dazzling
images." AI Hal was so impressed when he flew past it, he treated himself to
the souvenir snap on the right...
04. As If - Psychological Distress (3:49)
Toshiyuki Hiraoka's latest project, teamed up
here with Hiroo Chubachi, which is not a name I was familiar with before,
but certainly has my attention now. This is from the album 'Seeker',
released in June this year. I have a feeling we'll be playing more of
05. Moljebka Pvlse - Topography Of Frequency And Time (Excerpt - 8:20)
The work of Swedish experimentalist, Mathias
Josefson, coming to us via Stefan Knappe at Drone Records, to whom we owe
our gratitude for this special edit of a wonderful 70 minute work the promo
literature describes as "an expedition through expansive sonic landscapes
that stretch beyond our daily awareness", which I am pretty much in full
agreement with...
06. Billy Yfantis - Ionosphere Reverie (4:22)
From the latest album by this popular Greek
electro-experimentalist and main man behind the Skylight webzine, 'Planetary
Fields', which boasts some decidedly cool cover art, as well as ten fine
pieces of Earth-centric electronic music...
07. Daniel Dapin - Flying Through The Milky Way (10:22)
A second appearance on the show from this
German electronic musician, this one being from his most recent album, 'Long
Way To Berlin', which I guess it would be if you go via the Milky Way.
Personally, I'd stick with the Bundesstraße 5/B2...
08. Magic Bullet - We Love Squelching (0:02)
"Oh my god," cries A.I. Hal, "I haven't played
a Magic Bullet song!" Yeah, I make that part of the deal when I let him sub.
So what does he pick? A two second track we recorded for a cassette project
by Tim Burkland that never materialised. Not willing to concede defeat, we
did a 60 second version and used it as part of 'Five Minutes Of Your Life
You Will Never Get Back', which was in turn released on a compilation by
Last Action. Who then had their Bandcamp account taken down. We think the
track is cursed, so don't be surprised if the show gets cancelled now...
