

















S C E N E   I V :   E N G I N E E R I N G  -  Chief Engineer Igor Amokian introduces tea-boy, Skit Zoyd, to his mechanised marvel of a droid...

05. Igor Amokian - Kawaquad Amokabot (1:55)

A second appearance on the show for the Los Angeles based experimentalist (the Electronic Cottage special back in May, really must do another one of those), this coming from his "Terror Breaks Split EP" with 6128F on Grimm Goat Records...


Messrs. Amokian and Zoyd are interrupted by Ensign De Angelis, seeking the office of the Ship's Counsellor...o

S C E N E   V :   S H I P ' S   C O U N S E L L O R ,   D R .   P A T E L

06. Bruno De Angelis - Heavenly Alarming Females (7:17)

Very happy to be able to present some new work by one of my favourite artists from the glory days of M&E. Something of a nomad, Bruno first introduced his work to us, both solo and under the banner of the excellent Mana ERG, from Ostia Lido in Rome, and has then had spells in the UK (where we had the pleasure of meeting at Brain Dead Studio, London, in the mid 90's), Tenerife, and the most recent e-mail arrived from Malaysia. This particular track was recorded for the Italian ADN label's "Out Of Standard!! Italia 11" compilation and comes with a rather cool Japanese stylised art video, which I will put in the links at the side. And let's also have a couple of tracks from The A-Z Of M&E, one from his solo stuff, and my absolute favourite from Mana ERG, enjoy muchly...



   Bruno De Angelis  - Definitely Plotinus (3:19)


   Mana ERG - Another (5:55)


S C E N E   V I :   B R I D G E   T O   N A V I G A T I O N

07. Philippe Lamy & Shaun Robert - Effritement Des Trajectoires (10:26)

It means "crumbling trajectories", thought you'd like to know that. Well, while I'm very familiar with Shaun, from his factor X stuff back in the early 90's (see classic track below), through to his modern day championing of the great cause of musique concrète via his Institute For Alien Research compilations, but I know absolutely nothing about Philippe, save that he appears to have started life in Casablanca (raising the BIG question - Raja or Wydad!?), and now resides in France, where he appears to work in architecture, as well as being a rather talented artist and creator of interesting music. The featured track is taken from the collaborative album "réflexion sur l'extinction"...



   factor X - Directions (3:20)


   You Want That Dial Tone, Don't You? (0:02)


S C E N E   V I I :   B R I D G E   T O   S H I P ' S   C O U N S E L L O R

08. Astral Magic - Sea Of Infinite Possibilities (6:13)

And one from the latest release (well, it was when I playlisted it, I'm sure there's another album out since though - yup, just checked, "Exploding Flowers") from Finnish space god, Santtu, under his terrestrial guise of Astral Magic. The album is called "Those Who Came From The Stars". Cool artwork, cosmic music, and titles that so conveniently fit with my plotlines, what more could a radioshow presenter want? How about a raise...


S C E N E   V I I I :   C R I S I S   O N   T H E   B R I D G E !


"It’s The Cruditron, sir, it’s going quite mad!"


   Don't Take Our Word For It - Listen For Yourself (*Click On The Image)


And many thanks to our very special guest as The Cruditron, Neil Crud ! We've played with his Spam Javelin...


Will our crew discover the source of the interference?

Will they find out that some fool has secretly uploaded a piece of AI software that’s messed it up?

Will the WSS Boobyprise make it to Mars in time for Christmas?

Find out in next month’s exciting episode, "Christmas On Mars"

Same Bat-time

Same Bat-channel


<<< And what exactly do A.I. Hal & A.I. Stanley have to say for themselves? Click on them to find out! >>>