Thrust to the edge of the solar system by the
madness of the A.I. navigational computer, The Cruditron, the crew of the
WSS Boobyprise (Consolation Class, PTC 5317) find themselves celebrating the
New Year (Captain Riz Sigma a little more than others) at the edge of open
space, where they are greeted by the aliens that had been patiently waiting
for humans to make it that far. Oh, and they organised a movie night in Nine
Backward and there's a big starring role for Skit Zoyd as Tea Boy...
Magic Bullet - A Soluble Symphony (First Movement - Radio Edit) (4:24)
If there is any better sound on 'the
morning after' than the gentle 'plink plink fizz' of something that will
sort that hangover out, we'd love to know about it. This track is an edit
from one of the twelve 35 minute works that make up the mega album, "Ratione
Personae Mentalis", released (or escaped, depending on your viewpoint) on
The Church Of Noisy Goat label in 2022...
Intergalactic Guitars Unlimited - Chase Around Sirius (4:01)
And a second track from the wonderful vinyl
compilation, "They Never Made It: Vol. 2", released on the
cosmically named
Psychotron Records and brought to our attention by curator, Timo Pääkkö.
Polish guitarist, Jakub Henryksiewicz, we are reliably informed, was the
Eastern Bloc's answer to Jimi Hendrix, said to be able to play guitar
whichever way round he was handed it. Sadly, very little seems to have
survived of his work, and as for the man himself; "Gave up music completely
disillusioned in the rock business, emigrated to Australia, and started
sheepfarming...". With THAT talent? Baa-my. Sorry.
Delphium - Somewhere Out There (4:48)
The work of one Jonathan Forde, fellow
Camberley escapee, though he didn't run as far as we did, just to
Staffordshire. The Delphium project has been producing some fine music of...
well, electronic, bit dubby in places, not really sure what the genre name
would be, but hey, pigeonholes are for pigeons!
(*I know they're for letters really, just
sounded like a cool thing to say, so put the pen down)
(*yes, I know people don't use pens any
more, just a figure of speech)
This track is taken from the CD (don't
panic, it's on Bandcamp too), "Everything Is Lost II", which is great,
expect more soon!
04. Howl
in the Typewriter - The Outer Fringes Of The Cosmos (4:33)
That running time is always a dead giveway,
isn't it? Yup, yet another track from the Institute For Alien Research's
musique concrète compilation, "Oeuvres Pour l'Orchestre Toujours Présent",
and I don't think I've finished with it yet, just so much excellent stuff on
it. This one is from my good friend and neighbour (not like next door so we
annoy each other rehearsing, it's about 12 miles, which is a safe enough
distance, even for one Skit puts the angle-grinder through the WEM Copycat),
Pumf Records' Stan Batcow. I would say this is an atypical track for HitT,
but then I wouldn't really say there was a typical one. It fits the theme of
the album and is appropriately titled, what more can I say? I could say
don't get him started on advertising, but that's another story...
Howl in the Typewriter:
TMN Web Feature (2018):
Shivren Coles - Cult Of Moonbow (Tex Watson Mix) (2:25)
And mucho gratitude to Mr. Coles for doing
this particular mix especially for the show, and then patiently waiting for
10 months till we got to the bit in the story I wanted it for, the Audio Lab
is in your debt, sir! From what he's put in e-mails, he was clearly around
for the cassette culture scene back in the 90's, though our paths never seem
to have crossed back then. Not even sure where he's based (I'm a crap
researcher, I know). I had hoped there would be some clues on his Bandcamp.
There weren't. Hmmph. "Electric Kool-Aid punks on acid, keeping the thinking
man down and the down man thinking." That's what it does say though. Like
06. The
Phlod-Nar - The Dying And Rebirth Of Star Antares (2:32)
Oh yes, you've heard the name here before,
Christmas show 2023, head crushing take on "Silent Night". This is the sound
project of one Randolf Smeets from Belgium (Drum Fondu country!), who seems
to have no respect for the rules of music, a trait one cannot help but
admire. This track actually came to us via Paul Priest at Owlripper
Recording in the Czech Republic, featured on the "Noisembryowl 3"
compilation (ta muchly), so hang on to yer ears...
Steve Kusaba - Yalta Death (1:48)
First came across Steve about a decade ago
when we were doing The Music & Elsewhere Showcase on Soundcloud. "My name is
Steve Kusaba," he had introduced himself, "I am producing a 47 hour
Omni-musical called 'The Centrifugal Satz Clock'." He wasn't joking (the
32nd album in the series was out last time we spoke). And listening to the
two tracks he had sent us that first time, it was love at first hearing.
They are wildly eccentric works, mixing absurdity with musical virtuosity,
quite indescribable, so you will forgive me for making little more effort
than to say give it a listen and find out more. This track comes from the
album "The Spirit Melody", which I couldn't find anywhere on Bandcamp, but
did come across it in playlist format on You Tube. As I often say, musical
rules are there to be broken, and this guy and his compatriots break them
with such style and class...
The Last Hour - Towards A Distant World (3:28)
The current project of Roberto Del Vecchio,
who long terms acquaintances may well remember from the beautifully gloomy
Gothica back in the days of M&E. His music is still very much on the dark
side in the main, so this flipside of his current single, "The Dead Of
Night", really took me by surprise, and many thanks for his willingness to
have this played instead of the A side! Doesn't it just fit the show
09. Alphane Moon - Full Of Stars (4:28)
And another from the M&E firmament back in
the day, both under this banner and that of Our Glassie Azoth, and still
making some delightfully ambient experimental sounds today. Tis the work of
Dafydd Roberts, who is from Wales, as the spelling may have implied. Be
kind, don't mention the rugby, it's not been going too well for them lately.
This track comes from the album "You Dark Gone Days", space has rarely been
so peaceful...
10. Deborah Fialkiewicz - Waning Moon (3:05)
A brand new friend, just in case you were
thinking it was getting a bit nepotistic there! I actually found this track
on the "Botanica Fest" compilation sent to us by Yann Pillas at Camembert
Électrique. I'd seen Deborah's name before, but it was quite long and scary,
so I hadn't previously got round to talking to her. And if we got the
pronunciation wrong (place your bets), I can't say I'm surprised. We tried,
bless us. She has got her own Bandcamp too. I have no idea why it's under
the name of Graham. We haven't know each other long, you don't like to ask.
Anyway, I digress, which is most unlike me. Lots of album to look through,
and one of them has a photo of a dust mite on the cover! I fucking love dust mites,
they're dead cute, but you can't see them with the naked eye. Life...
11. Galactic Salvage Alliance + Antoine Trauma - Alien Mucus (9:06)
Mr. Trauma you'll be familiar with, he's
been on the show before, but not the GSA, they're Audio Lab virgins. Mr. T,
aka Max Chami, is from Brazil, where he makes wondrous noises and runs the
Plataforma label. The GSA is the project of one Enghis Von Sharklor, who...
um... I think we've already established the crap researcher thing, but it
has been school holidays and a very busy time of year and I promise to stand
in the corner with a pointy hat on until I know better. I can tell you he's
done a few albums with Antonella Eye Porcelluzzi, respect due, but that's
about it. Next time, Magic, ask questions, yeah?
12. Walt Thisney - Sin In Space (1:00) / I'm Not From This Planet (3:16)
Fernando Cerqueira and I are old friends
going back to the M&E days again, when he was one half of the excellent
Ras.Al.Ghul, producing a kind of ambient Portuguese ambient leftfield dance
music sound that we used to describe as 'Benfica Bhangra'. So, I do hope he
won't mind me being a little creative with his work (using the short track
as a cinematic trailer to set up the second and sticking the advert from
ST:DS9 in the middle), coz this just fitted the idea of 'Movie Night' so
perfectly. These two come from the album "This Continuum" on Klappstuhl
Records, which Carsten S kindly provided us a copy of, nice man.
13. The Pandemonium Bureau - Ticket To Oblivion (2:15)
A new project from another M&E old boy
(hey, it's not my fault so many of them have lasted the distance!),
Toshiyuki Hiraoka, electronic maestro and horror film soundtrack creator
extraordinaire, now working with William Westwater of the decidedly scary
(they have clowns on their album covers, I rest my case) Fear Incorporated,
in a kind of Japan meets Scotland avant garde post punk gothic extravaganza.
I have a way with words, I know...
A.I. HAL: "Well
they still haven’t discovered us yet, Stanley, so we can wish all the
listeners a Happy New Year."
B Z Z Z !
ENGINEERING: "It's engineering, Captain, we've located the rogue A.I."
D A - D A - D A A A R R R R !
A.I. HAL: Oh f**k! (Editor's Note: Don't panic, Don, I beeped it