


















First Broadcast : Saturday 6th January 2024

Running Time: 56:56





01. Magic Bullet - Optional Reality (I Think We're Flipped) (3:49)

Yes, it's 2024, election year in the USA, Russia (wonder who'll win that one?) and the UK. And we're picking on all of them, starting with the delusional orange one. Originally recorded for Le Colibri Nécrophile's "The World Is Over" series in June 2020, but suitably cleaned up for broadcast...

02. Invisible Illusion - Unreal Mixtape (10:52)

And this from just one of the recording projects of the man behind that label, Ed End, much of whose own work can be followed on this link...

03. Magic Bullet - Пятьсот (3:00)

Turning our attention to Russia now, this track setting up some music from Vladivostok based Alexey Kondart, the man behind the Broken Tape Records label. We did this track, roughly pronounced "pyat'sot" (Russian for 500), for Alexey's incredible labour of love, "International Experimental Music Compilation (500 Way Split)", the release of which was finally achieved last July. And while we're there...


04. rådiövölnå - На Oрбите (8:22)

..."In Orbit", this is a track from Alexey himself. Much more of his output can be found on his Bandcamp, along with said monster compilation and more...

05. V. Poiskah DoDo - Колись Побілені Стіни (1:57)

To the other side of the Russia - Ukraine conflict now, our friend in Kyiv, Vladimir Vpdodo, the man behind the innovative Shorty Music series, sadly silent for the last year and a half because of the war. This show was actually recorded before Christmas, things being a tad hectic at this time of year, and I said in it that we had seen nor heard nothing from Vladimir in all that time and that one could only hope; I'm pleased to say I received a message from him on New Year's Day and he is actually alive and well, which is a great relief. This is one of his own works, roughly translated as "Once Whitewashed Walls"...

06. EMERGE - drench (7:49)

On the subject of war, I wanted to draw attention to Attenuation Circuit's compilation album "Стоп!" It's the word 'stop' in Cyrillic, undoubtedly just to make sure Putin can understand it, and it's a running collection, the title of each track upon which is "Stop All Wars" in one language or another, and contributions continue to be accepted until the madness finally ends. Whether the world sees sense or it becomes the biggest compilation album in human history, who knows, but a noble project indeed. The label is run by Sascha Stadlmeier, whose own musical project is EMERGE...

07. Michael Ridge - Empty Predawn Gaze (Pond Contemplation Mix) (7:13)

And back home to the UK, where the Tory government had us applauding NHS workers on our doorsteps every Thursday evening at 8:00 throughout the pandemic, but in the aftermath, when they simply asked for a fair wage and the respect they deserved, we saw how little the government really cared. The reason I'm bringing in Michael Ridge, aka Zebra Mu, at this point, is his support for NHS charities with his "Quagga Curious Sounds Loves The NHS" benefit compilation, making him far more worthy of a vote than the Tories come the election, though I realise that isn't setting the bar very high!

08. Gerardo Colin - El Poema Politico (3:12)

And the final word goes to our friend in Mexico, the man behind the Otcrah Records label, Gerardo Colin. This is one that you won't find on Bandcamp, still keeping the golden age values of the underground alive with actual hard copy releases. No election looming (that we know of), but this 192 seconds of distorted anger somehow captures the spirit of it all...

09. Magic Bullet - Medley A Política (3.27)

This month's playout is a little ditty we recorded especially for a session on Neil Crud's "Punk & Beyond" show on Louder Than War Radio, which also gave us the idea for the framework of this edition of our own show. The first part is "Chumpy Chumpy Trump Trump", messing with the old Middle Of The Road hit and the experimental pigman; the second is "Slap Putin", which we think is no less than the murderous cunt deserves (I say that here because I'm not allowed to on the show!); and we conclude with "Tory Pigs", messing with Julian Nott's iconic "Peppa Pig" theme and those that claimed we were all in this together whilst stuffing their own Cayman Island bank accounts...