


















First Broadcast : Saturday 6th July 2024

Running Time: 58:00







Space... the final frontier

This is the theme of this year's Preesall & Knott End Gala on July 13th

It's Saturday afternoon mission, starting in Knott End car park at one o'clock

To explore strange new floats

To seek out new marshals and other helpers

To boldly go where no gala has gone before!


01. Toshiyuki Hiraoka (Japan) - T (Track 9) (4:25)

Extremely talented electronic and experimental musician we first came across over 30 years ago, releasing some of his music on cassettes on Music & Elsewhere. He has since forged an interesting career, recording albums with the likes of Dave-iD Busaras (Virgin Prunes) and has scored several movies...

02. Magic Moments At Twilight Time (A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away)  - The Starship Psychotron (6:37)

You know who they were...


03. Daniel Dapin (Germany) - Loop To The Moon (6:44)

A new name to us is this electronic musician from Spiegelberg, playing keyboards in bands until 2020, then the pandemic reared its ugly head and rather changed things, thus he began to compose his own music. I'd say that was a good result...

04. Cheapo Card Company (England) - Rusty Machine (2:05)

Largely the work of Wil Walker, better known as a cartoonist and TV comedy writer, but well known to all fans of the Music & Elsewhere days for their humorous ditties, such as this wonderful spoof of Hawkwind's "Silver Machine". They're still at it too, I fear there's no hope for them...

05. Astral Magic (Finland) - Cruising The Celestial Highways (4:16)

A shining light of the spacerock community is Mika Laakso, aka Santtu, former bassist with Dark Sun, now enjoying himself solo with this popular and prolific project. I suspect we will be hearing much more Astral Magic on the show in the coming months. Well, I know we will, I do the playlists...

06/07. Stormclouds (England) - He's Dead, Jim (1:45) / Lost In Space (2:01)

The brainchild of the late great Steve Lines, a much missed force of wonderment in the psychotronic universe. The label he helped to run, Rainfall Records, still seems to have a site online for now, includes plenty of info about his work. These two tracks are from "Not Of This Earth", featuring himself and Louise Allen, recorded for Elefant Records of Spain in the mid 90's, a digital version of which is still available on Bandcamp, though the CD is long gone...

08. X Zen Tricks (England) - If It's Time For Robot (5:51)

Solo electronic music project by Jamie Wattz. We released a cassette album called "An Awareness Of Time" on M&E in 1999 and have had some contact with him since our return to the fold in 2012, but sadly not for a few years, and I've had no luck with a response this time around either. I've had a good check online too, including under the latter name of Zen Tapestry, but short of a track on "Decadion 2.2", absolutely nowt, sorry. Great music though...


09. Cult Of Free Love (Wales) - Space Jam # 1 (6:49)

Put our way by Neil Crud over at Punk & Beyond on Louder Than War Radio, ta very much, absolutely perfect for the show. Looks like they've been around for a few years, see a 2016 album called "Love Revolution", I can tell you they play a nice blend of psychedelia and electronica, aside from that I think they share that greatest of qualities with Scooby Doo; they like the mystery...

10. Cactus Rose (Scotland) - Spaced Out (3:10)

The duo of Dave Menzies and Mo Bird are better known to M&E supporters as their latter incarnation, Glass, and you may also recognise this track from "The United World Underground Collection". The band are still a going concern, but appear to be called Champagne Tree nowadays...

11. Gary Rostock (Czech Republic) - Knott End (excerpt - 6:00)

When I was looking for something with a local theme for the show, I came upon this track... by a guy in the Czech Republic!? I'm with Scooby too, love a good mystery. So I sent him an e-mail, and small world, turns out his mum used to live down the road in Poulton and he still has a sister right here in Knott End! This track is taken from his 2020 album of ambient electronica, "Dreams Of An English Coastline"...

12. Magic Bullet (Knott End-On-Sea) - The Magic Bullet (Reprise) / Waiting For Wyre Rose (excerpt 4:25)

And just a little of The Bullet to round the show off, including an excerpt  from our minimally processed recording of Knott End's iconic ferry, the Wyre Rose, because... all together now... ♪♫ we're The Bullet from Knott End-On-Sea, ooh ♫♪


* * *   C O M I N G   N E X T   M O N T H   -   S A T U R D A Y   3 r d   A U G U S T   * * *

We'll be there next Saturday at the gala to join in the celebrations as Preesall Town Council bid to be the first to put a man on Mars...

We'll be covering all the build up and the launch of the WSS Boobyprise (Consolation Class) from Knott End International Space Station...

We'll be joining the people of Over Wyre in wishing Captain Riz Sigma and crew all the best for their epic journey to the red planet...