
Moments Revival. Although it will finish up in a hard copy
format, it won’t start off that way. Well, ya know, the digital world, it
allows so much more flexibility, so I fancied doing something a bit
different, came up with the idea of releasing it one part at a time.
That’ll be online with say 2 or 3 tracks at a time to start with, kind of
like a Saturday morning serial, you know: Will Captain Magic finally
defeat the Dark Starlord!? To be continued, same MMATT-time, same
MMATT-channel! You know, grown ups stuff…
CO: Other future plans?
The future? Ha ha! The future’s all behind you at my age!
You can make contact with Carsten via the
website, natch, and you'll find submissions info for his radioshow in the
FAQ's. Sorted. And don't forget to say hi from us.
Nowadays, Kev is a freelance writer /
reviewer, specialising in progressive rock (though not exclusively), based
on the other side of the planet from us, who, funnily enough, does a lot of
writing for the
so what's all this about Gypsy being born in Sweden then, Kev? Oh, you'll
find his profile on that link too, no photo though, so leave it to me to find
something terminally embarrassing, like him having a no.1 crop for his
local heat of the All New Zealand Mick
Magic Look-Alike Contest 2015, in which he came a creditable 3rd. Yup, you guessed it, I've known Kev for 20
years plus, going back to when he still lived in the UK. Bet he misses the
weather. We first made contact when I noticed Mensa had a Rock SIG
(special interest group), so... always keen on getting some new reviews
(not if they say things like "James Last plays Kraftwerk" mind), I sent
him a copy of our "Creavolution" album. He liked it, reviewed it in the
Rock SIG's Feedback zine, we both thought we were very clever, we became
friends. Time passes, I hibernate, he emigrates to Middle Earth, we
re-establish contact thanks to the miracles of modern social media, I get
a copy of "Flashbax Ω Ultimate" to him, et voila. He hasn't reviewed it
yet because he's very busy working on a book covering 15 years worth of
his prog reviews, but I'm sure it won't be long now, he's my "no.1 fan"
(geddit?), after all!
Anyway, in the meantime, the Prog Archive is well worth looking through,
covers a lot of bands you won't know about, as well as those you do, quite
a wide remit at that. Kev can be contacted via
say hi from us. And I suppose you could always ask if he knows this guy from Sweden...

Gypsy was already running Rodent Tapes back
in the 80's, back before I'd escaped from working in an office and
wondering what the fuck I was doing with my life. He was another
established underground artist who was a great support when we started
M&E. In fact, his album "Not At All" proudly bore the catalogue number M&E
001 when we released it in April 1992. These days, he works under the name
Arzathon and has earned huge respect in every field he's traversed. To
hear why, you only need look through the massive collection of his albums
on his
site, covering from his most recent, right back to his earliest cassette
releases, many of which were also released on M&E. You'll also find a huge
selection of freely available recordings on the Rodent Tapes (Backstage)
section of
Again, although predominantly his own projects, including the brilliantly named
Heavy Vampires On Nuclear Waste (you've not lived until you've heard
"Retarded Alien Pizza Pirates"!), Rodent Tapes was never a closed label.
Back in the day, they put out our "Flashbax Vol. 5" album from 1992-95,
when the label temporarily folded. More recently, Gypsy (it's short for
Arzathon, honest), put together a MMATT selection called "Freedom
Overflow" for Rodent,
you'll find in that archive. Nice man. He wanted to put "Creavolution" on
there too, very nice man, but we had other plans for that one, May 2016
being the 20th anniversary of its eventual release et al. For a more wordy
experience, along with the sounds, you could have a look at the
site, certainly lots of words on that one. You'll find an artist entry on
PROG ARCHIVE should you
want a bit of info about his background, like him being born in Sweden (he
wasn't) and stuff. When it comes to what he's up to at the moment and
planning etc, I'm afraid I can't be of much help. Whenever I let him know
I'm going to write a bit about him and ask some questions, he always
thinks I'm after him writing an essay, rather than just answering the
questions and letting me worry about making the finished article appear
the work of a professional journalist (stop smirking). I picture him
hiding in a corner, rocking, muttering "Heavy, man, got another e-mail
from Mick Magic asking me questions, what does he want from me?" However,
when he reads this, one can only hope he will feel more intensely relaxed
next time one of my mega-evil interrogations arrives in his inbox. "Yeah,
Magic, cool," he'll say, "doing a bit of this, planning a bit of that,
leave it to you to cross the i's and dot the t's, man." Sorted. You can
contact the man himself via the
or by
Oh, and say hi from us. But best not mention I was asking about him, we
don't want to spook him into hiding in the woods thinking "Shit, man,
surely Magic's e-mails will never find me here???" |