
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And Countess Elaine (now known as
Elayne Astrid) in Paris, photo by Wayne Smith...
Wayne Smith Yes, I certainly remember that. Was a very busy time of
my life at that point. I was doing a load of fashion photography for
places in the East End of London
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Were you ever tempted to take that
up as a career instead of sticking with computing?
Wayne Smith We had a big new season shoot coming up, so I needed to
find some new locations to use. It worked out fabulously
Magic Moments At Twilight Time We're overlapping here, the
'tempted' question?
Wayne Smith I think I found a few of the frames a little while back
and sent to Shona Atkinson
Magic Moments At Twilight Time She loved them.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Cool. The... er... 'tempted'
question though?
Wayne Smith Tempted? By what? Work is work mate :-)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Okay, guess we've overlapped too
much, the question was; "Were you ever tempted to take that up as a career
instead of sticking with computing?"
Wayne Smith That's what I meant. Work is work. I was doing all
kinds of stuff back then. I was doing session music, photography as well
as the day job. It was the time of opportunity back then...
Wayne Smith I've slowed down a lot now, that goes back to family
life again I guess
Magic Moments At Twilight Time There's a lot to be said for family
life, I absolutely love being a dad, Twizz is a really sweet kid (mostly),
though yeah, it can be a bit time consuming. On the photographic front,
your interest there was a great boon to us, coz when we wanted someone to
help create a very distinctive visual image for us, you were the man we
turned to. I remember one day we all went trekking off around Brookwood
and Deepcut with you, remember much about that?
Wayne Smith Yes, I do remember that. Around the railway line and
those lovely tunnels under. Didn't we end up in the cemetery there too?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time We did indeed. Now this, of course,
is what you're best known to MMATT fans for, and here's a nice selection I
put together from the work you did for us (all free, I should add, for
which we were most grateful)...
Top row; left - The Magic Moments Album (1987), centre - MMATT RIP (1988),
right - appeared in an article in Songwriting & Composing magazine (1987),
centre row; left - unused, I think, though one of my own favourites,
bizarrely, right - variation of photo used on Flashbax Vol. 5 (1992),
bottom row; left - W21... The Video! (1987), right - appeared in an
article in The Aldershot News, courtesy of Adrian Creek (1988).
Wayne Smith I was happy to help. I knew you were going to be big...
Never thought you'd last to 2018 though :-)
Wayne Smith I was wracking my brain trying to think what camera I'd
have been using back then. Have you still got the original photos?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Kind of you to say so, but I think
'last to' puts it a bit strong. The band split completely after
"Creavolution" was released in 1996 (but it's great to see a remaster of
that coming out again now, after all these years). I don't have the
original photos, no, but I do have the negatives. I keep meaning to take
them to someone who can do a better job of developing them, because as you
can see, the contrast in some of these prints leaves a bit to be desired.
Wayne Smith are they 35mm or medium format?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time 35mm.
Wayne Smith OK, that's interesting. I was using both Nikon and
Bronica medium format at the time.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time 'Ilford FP4 Safety Film', it says on
the negs.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I don't remember quite how we came
to lose contact all those years ago, before I achieved the impossible and
found someone called 'Smith' just by typing their name and 'Mensa' into
Google, but your life seemed to have got no less interesting in our
absence. So how did you come to be doing the official website for Rick
Wakeman then?
Wayne Smith I was a huge fan of Rick's going back to his very first
stuff and in the 90s he was still playing provincial theatres, rather than
arenas and quite approachable...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time You just asked?
Wayne Smith I was getting into this internet thing for various
reasons and wanted to build some websites to practice basically. I asked
him if he'd be interested and although he hadn't a clue what the internet
was, he said yes...
Wayne Smith I built a basic site and met him at Heathrow on his way
out of the country and showed it to him. He loved it and we put in online
in 1996 and it's been going every since. Certainly one of the first
musicians to have a website back then
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Streuth, seems hard to remember a
time when we didn't know what the internet was! Well, I gather the two of
you really hit it off, because in May 2006, he was Best Man at your

Magic Moments At Twilight Time P.S. Your wife looks bloody
familiar, did I ever meet her?
Wayne Smith No, you didn't meet her. Yes, we became very close
friends (as you can see). Fantastic guy, really genuine.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I always think that's nice when
someone who has achieved so much stays thoroughly down to Earth, good
Wayne Smith That was just before we moved to Seattle
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And that's an interesting question,
what made you move half a world away?
Wayne Smith I got a job at Microsoft
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Moving on... ;) Now, I know you have
another engagement before too long and don't want to keep you, but I do
want to make a big point of thanking you for all the support you gave us
back at the beginning. In fact, you still have something of an impact here
over 30 years later. I still have that wonderful Vox pedal board you gave
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And the TEAC 4 track you gave us
still gets used regularly, recorded "The Electric Age Cometh" on it for
the MMATT 30th birthday in 2016...