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Magic Moments At Twilight Time I recall we did the whole thing live, one take (maybe screwed one up first), then went back and did one single stereo track of overdubs, mostly vocal improvs and little odd noises.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I have to admit, it got the better of me! ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I did actually try recording a track on acid once. It sounded the most amazing thing I had ever done. Played it back straight the following day - 15 minutes of self indulgent shite! :)
Chris Carter Yeah. It’s important to do this kind of thing quick. We did alright really but it was a bit long. Maybe there ought to be a short version. :)
Chris Carter The way it happened was like the first day in a recording studio. It’s the sort of thing to try and evolve
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Well, there was, we took it down to about 6 minutes in the end, became MMATT's most popular song ever! It's on the "Flashbax Ω Ultimate" CD released in Germany a couple of years ago, live version with Leonie on vocals. I still love this one though.
Chris Carter That’s a relief, you can only make it better by practicing
Magic Moments At Twilight Time You must have been very well practised on your artwork. Here's one from your Professor Quest series. Quite mad. How did the character come about... and dare I even ask about the stories??? :)

Chris Carter The stuff you see presented here I drew on the production line at Lentheric. Then I would sneak into the office and photocopy it. Not really professional but the toon was based on the song lyrics for the most part.
Chris Carter Quest was the mad professor of course
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I think Dr. Magic might give you an argument about that one, sir!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time The style of drawing is great though. I think all I ever did for the zine was spiders in the corners (popular characters though) and, to my eternal shame, Peter Penis cartoons. Hey, look, here's your little character piece from the very first issue of The Grain! I remember the meeting at The Windmill when we put all this stuff together...


Magic Moments At Twilight Time Elayne's mum's chilli con carne, a man after my own heart.
Elayne Astrid WOW...don't remember that.. ha ha...My mum will love this :)
Chris Carter when you can’t cook food mum's chilli is amazing
Elayne Astrid lol.. yes. point taken... :) ..This is a full moon.. nostalgia trip.. today.. This is wicked.. :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I remember Ben didn't turn up for the meeting, so we made stuff up about him dressing as a woman and going ballooning. And I wonder why he won't answer my e-mails...
Chris Carter I can actually say that he was pretty narked about that. Ben was very awesome but also serious.
Chris Carter The Charles wanted to actually get on the music ladder and that involved some stark serious stuff.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I shall add that to my incredibly long list of 'errors of judgement' and 'people I really need to apologise to - if they'll ever answer me again'. I remember there was a bit of friction between Ben and myself at the time, luckily not so bad that it ever got in the way of progress. And I really am very proud of what we all achieved with The Grain. A bunch of amateurs, no real experience, yet we were fearless, full of ideas and brave enough to try pretty much anything. Like all taking to the stage together and doing a joint encore, like here on this picture from our gig at Heatherside. Shona absolutely loved doing "The Grain" as a duet with you. So wish we had better than an auto level hand held videocam recording of that.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Still, for what it's worth...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time I really must get the video of that edited one of these days so I can stick it up online. Wayne Smith filmed that and the whole of our performance.
Chris Carter We are going against the grain.
Chris Carter It’s definitely been awesome reminiscing but I gotta do some stuff again involving bedtime.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Okay, I do get that dad stuff, it's important, I shall wind this up then and say thank you very much for talking to us, been a joy, and thanks for that first break, always appreciated.

Chris Carter It’s a long time ago but wow what a cool gathering. We really went all out
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I'll put the picture back so that makes sense, promise!

Magic Moments At Twilight Time And we never even got as far as the festival!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Told you the time would fly!
Chris Carter it did indeed
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Well, Chris has had to go off and do daddy night-nights stuff, and as all us dads would tell ya, our little princesses come first. Thanks again to Chris for joining us, shame we got caught a little short, but I shall add the remaining links for the the other tracks I had cued up on the end here, along with the free download link for The Charles 1987 "Another Whirligig Cassette" demo...