Magic Moments At Twilight Time This is Chris with Serious Plankton
(also featuring Ian Merrick and Matt French), the track is
"D-O-P-E-N-R-G". It's a live recording, not the best, but at least there's
a nice picture to go with it...
Chris Carter The Planks enjoyed musical freedom and actually were
better than you could imagine. Suffering a bit from the old aged man
syndrome and the dilapidated has been things.
Matt French (image post only...)
Matt French Sorry I missed the event. Was driving back from my
Elayne Astrid What an amazing trip down nostalgia city.. Thanks
Mick Magic.. Thanks Chris Carter.. x :) ❤
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Then a bit more recent, circa 2010,
Chris working with Ian Merrick again as Dirty Planet, this is one of the
bonus tracks from "The United World Underground Collection", tis called
"Splitting The Atom"... |

Chris Carter More of a jam than a thing, I always wanted the planks
to regroup or maybe the Charles, oh my. Not to be.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And finally, I was going to play out
with this lovely 18 minute chunk recorded live from the climax of The
Grain Festival in September 1987...

Chris Carter The best gig I ever did.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time
If you'd like to pick yourself up a copy of The Charles 1987 demo,
"Another Whirligig Cassette", you can do so right here (just click on the
image of the inlay). Enjoy muchly, thank you, goodnight!

Chris Carter Thanks Mick. I enjoyed the memorial activities here
today and not as daunting as it seemed.
Chris Carter Also like to add, to all the people that came out to
see what I was up to, I would not have been up to much if you hadn’t
believed in me, but in the end I lost belief in myself and that was my cue
to see what I could do to fix that problem. The best days in your life are
not always the best thing for you, but certainly put the best things to
come in a different dimension. I’m still out here and enjoying life with
my little family. I also do some music which I use in the background to my
nerdy vids on YouTube. Peace and joy to you all. Kount Five.
Chris Carter Here’s the link for my YouTube channel 'Kount Five'. A
light hearted look at my little car collecting on a shoe string budget.

Sandra Redfern Fascinating, Chris!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Sandra, I couldn't have put it
better myself. That's all, folks! :-)