Magic Moments At Twilight Time And so we move on to another fine
voice to grace our album, that of the operatic baritone, Brian John Doran.
You've already heard a bit of him doing the male voice on "Demonic
Attack", but this track is the one I actually recruited him for. I still
can't believe I got a serious opera singer to do the line "the torch I
bear for you is burning my glove"! :) This is Brian John Doran doing "The

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Brian relaxing in between tracks. I
still smoked in those days, but he made me go outside every time I wanted
one coz it would affect his voice otherwise!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Backing vocals by Leonie, closing
guitar solo improvised on the spot by Damien Page, but no spoilers there
as I'll be chatting to him in about an hour and a half!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Brian was lead singer with M&E band,
Operattack, whose "Early Works" album we released in 1996 (M&E 360). He
also had a track on The United World Underground compilation CD in 2001,
that under the name of Neo. Ah, I simply have to play you one of the
reasons I asked him to do "The Torch", and this is it; from "Early Works",
this is "My Sweet Denier"...

Operattack - "Early Works" (M&E 360, 1996) - 9 tracks, 40 golden minutes,
enjoy muchly, why be a denier to yourself? Simply click on the image above
for your free copy...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time "The Torch" is followed by my saying
"Okay, that's a wrap", then Marc and me yell "IT'S PARTY TIME!" Cue the
final track of the original album, "Rock & Roll Lifestyle". Lead vocal by
Gary St. John, backing vocals by our Sam, lead guitar by Damien Page. And
there's some other bits I'll tell you about when we come to it. Ladies and
gentlemen, the grand finale, "Rock & Roll Lifestyle"...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Gary was half of the Double Trouble
duo I did a bit of sound tech work for back in the mid 90's. He's the
singer with the dark shirt (top of next column on the website edit), Sam's
the one with the mad perm... ;) |

Sam Lancaster Ha! Great memories
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Double Trouble also used to do a
Blues Brothers tribute act, which is why he appears on the cover of
"Reborn" in hat and sunglasses!

Sam Lancaster One of them is ... Mark buying some cider to get me
“relaxed” enough to overcome my nerves!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ah, Sam, it's Mrs. Magic no.3
getting a word in with Twizz around, nowt short of a miracle. How's life
treating you downstairs?
Sam Lancaster She has food and the soporific effect of TV to buy me
some time to chat
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Here ya go, the Sam Taylor (as she
was then) recording sessions at Brain Dead, with Marc Bell smiling and me
looking... er... really interested in what was going on!