
three neat volumes, a part of the regretful legacy of then
OCD, oh joy. You know, that constant need to reorder things and keep
trying to make sense of the senseless! Life, don't talk to me about
life... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Our sixth album proper was that of
our live debut at Frimley Community Centre on Saturday 27th June 1987, and
this will be the last piece of music for today, we're running over as it
is, hope you'll join me at the same time on Sunday for the rest. The
Charles manager fuck up was actually a stroke of luck, or we would have
ended up doing that first gig as a duo and things could have turned out
very differently. Instead of that, Jay joined the band three days after
the cancellation, bringing Kate with him, and suddenly we were a proper
four piece outfit. The track I've selected from that album, "Volume 4:
Live Debut Plus" is "Zen Sequent"...

Mick Tron It'll be better when you get to my stuff.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time WTF? Um... I'll come back to you in
a minute. Now, I didn't want to give you the 45 minutes of our "Live And
Sorry" rehearsal on its own, so I also digitised the live debut recording
too, so you end up with a virtual C90!

Magic Moments At Twilight Time You can pick yourself up a free
download, including a printable cassette inlay (sue me) on the link (click
on the cover image above). How nice are we?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time It's a shame the studio take of this
didn't make it on to "Flashbax Ω Ultimate", I still think of this as a
MMATT classic.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time So, we come to the end of the first
session. I was going to do a joke about The Doc now being retired from
music and working as a bingo caller on the school circuit, but I'd better
not now I know he's online... ;)
Albert M Tron Actually, that's quite funny. But I'm not that grey,
you always overdo the dry shampoo, don't you? Not that you'll have to much
longer now you're 60... :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ah, it was Halloween, they had a
bingo night fundraiser at Twizz's school, it was the best monster costume
I could come up with... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time But enough silliness, we're already
10 minutes over. Thanks for joining me today, about another 40 minutes of
music on Sunday, and I'll be cheering on the Wombles in between on
Saturday. Accrington Stanley, who are they? (Yes, we lost 2-1)
Albert M Tron Before you go, we need to pay you 'a little visit',
I'm afraid, something is afoot...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time But you're not real, how are you
going to manage that?
Albert M Tron If I wasn't real, you wouldn't be talking to me on a
public forum. And as for how we are going to manage, young man, I think
you are aware of the technology at our disposal. If I want to pop into
your living room in the middle of the night, I can...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Yeah, I know, it's just if I say
you're real in public, the men in little white coats will be coming for
Albert M Tron Or I can materialise in your office, right in the
very seat you are sitting in now. And it's not the men in white coats you
need to worry about, it's the small green ones in bowler hats, my young

Magic Moments At Twilight Time When? Actually, I know when, that's
last night, I can see something in the picture that only came into the
office yesterday. I wondered what that noise was in the middle of the
Albert M Tron Apologies, I kicked a keyboard stand stumbling around
in the dark trying to take a selfie...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time I noticed the Moog Liberation stand
had moved this morning...
Albert M Tron But it's what happened next that we need to talk to
you about. I turned on the light (don't worry, I pushed the door to so as
not to wake up the little one next door) to go for a transdimensional shot
and got this result;