still like this one! :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time This is still just me solo at this
Moments At Twilight Time Demo no.3 was the first to receive any kind
of circulation, "State Of The Art" (C-4003, March 1987). Again mostly me
solo, but Shona did voice the embryonic version of "Story X" that was on
it. Although I don't recall total sales making double figures, it did get
us in the recording studio for Earworm records that summer, so it was
hardly a complete write off. I will spare you the title track and my early
attempts at singing! ;) Instead, the track I've selected for this
collection is "GAL-0287543 (Beloglazova)", several versions of which
appeared over the early years. Far more electronic than anything I'd done
before, anyone who was at our debut gig might remember it as being the
music that accompanied 'The Ceremony Of Getting Jay Out Of Bed' in our
act! Enjoy muchly again...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time This recording was last issued on
the same collection as the last two. Bit hissy, but hope I've managed to
clean it up a bit.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time You'd never guess it was improvised,
would you? ;)
Moments At Twilight Time Release C-4004 was simply called 'The Sampler
Single', and that's effectively all it was, a C15 tape with one track from
each of the three demos on it, so it doesn't count as an album for our
purposes, of course.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Release C-4005 (May 1987) most
certainly does though. However, that was "Mick & Chris On Acid!", which
was included on the recent M&E 25th Anniversary release, "The United World
Underground Collection", so everything on it has already been digitised.
It's okay, I have a Plan B.
the 'UWU Collection' is still available and you'll find full details on
the link...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Plan B was recorded the same month,
16th May 1987 to be precise. Okay, it seemed like a great idea at the
time; music always sounds amazing when you're tripping, you hear things
you would never hear when you were straight. So, I thought - "Why not
record something you create while you're tripping!? Oh wow!" Why not?
Because you end up with hours of meandering self-indulgent drivel which,
frankly, doesn't sound as good off acid as on it! :) If you don't have a
sense of humour about your experimental music, consider this an ideal
11:10 (be grateful that's all I still have of the original 23 minutes!) to
pop off, make a sandwich and a cuppa tea or something. For those brave
enough to put their tongue firmly in their cheek, this is why not, this is
the aptly titled "Experiment On L.S.D."...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time I'm... er... just off to put the
kettle on... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Has it finished yet?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Bugger.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Cup of tea and a couple of
Solpadeine and it's STILL going... ;)
Moments At Twilight Time I can only apologise that I couldn't bring
you "Mick & Chris On Acid", but at least I managed "Mick On Acid!" :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I do find this one interesting
though, if a little monotonous, as it's where all the ideas for "Traveller
II" came from. Magic Moments, music inspired by drugs, what a shining |
example I am to my child... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time It's okay, she's at school.
Albert M Tron Well I quite enjoyed recording it.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Doc! You're back! Oh, hang on, I'm
Albert M Tron Oh, don't mind me.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Um... that was quite hard work. It
gets better, promise. C-4006 was kind of an accidental release, but I
guess still counts as a 5th album for our purposes. As, tongue in cheek,
'a husband and wife duo from north west Surrey', Shona and I were due to
play our debut gig on Saturday 9th May 1987, supporting The Charles...

Moments At Twilight Time However, due to the fact they had an
incompetent twat for a manager, the venue hadn't been booked and thousands
/ hundreds / dozens / some (*delete as you'd like to believe) fans had
turned up to find nothing was on. So I suggested we put out a freebie
album by way of an apology, and that's what we did, aptly titled "Live...
And Sorry!", as explained in the local press by Adrian Creek, who seems to
have made himself tag-proof...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Shona and I had, somewhat
fortuitously, recorded our rehearsal for the gig, so that became our side
of it, The Charles providing 45 minutes worth of live recordings for the
flip. Okay, it wasn't very good (I'm saving Pete Cole the grief of having
to point that out again ;) ), but an album it is and so we feature a
track, this is "ARE-1086016 (Souls?)"...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time I'm pleased to say we stopped using
those daft 'catalogue number' titles after that.
Albert M Tron I always thought those were one of my best ideas. :(
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Sorry. The track itself is quite
good, I think, always one of my own early favourites. The keen ears
amongst you will recognise the backing tracks we later developed into "The
Albert M Tron Now that was one of MY favourites.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Cool.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time You may be pleased to know that, as
I had to digitise one track from the album, I thought I may as well
digitise the lot and make it available as a free download. I'm nice like
that. Mostly. I'll come back to that at the end of the session.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Releases C-4007, C-4008 and C-4009
were basically everything we'd done to that point repackaged into |