Magic Moments At Twilight Time Then, the curse hit Marc... I got
this from him on the Sunday; "... spent yesterday afternoon in Newham
General Hospital..... have pretty bad concussion, after a mishap with a
big oak front door."
Magic Moments At Twilight Time But it takes more than a bad
concussion to stop Marc Bell from working; "I'll be OK to get things
rolling tomorrow as soon as the delivery arrives! Been told to take a week
off. Got to see my GP straight away on Monday & book a hospital check-up.
Don't worry I have someone to cover for the delivery if it arrives when
I'm out! I'm still dizzy & seeing stars..... not good at all. But the
X-ray was OK nothing broken. At least it'll give me a few days off to do
promo work. I have stamps & jiffy bags ready to mail out too. When I
receive the box (actually it was 4 large boxes with the last CD). I'll
send you a picture - put a disc in the post for you straight away & we can
put up an official release date!"
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Monday morning came, no delivery at
TMR, but Marc says; "He (doctor) says I'm OK...… check up & and x-ray at
the QEII Hospital tomorrow though."
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I wished him well and asked if there
was any sign of the CD's yet? "Not yet..... am still waiting, it's an
afternoon delivery before 7pm SP say."
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Finally, Wednesday morning I get a
note and a photo from Marc...
"It's here!"

Magic Moments At Twilight Time But that wasn't all; "Sorry spent
the night in hospital, it's worse than I thought. Have slight bleeding on
the brain. Have to go back tomorrow for an operation to relieve the
pressure..... they drill a hole..... sounds wonderful!!!!! To cap it all
they tried for 2 days to deliver it to the wrong fucking address...… (see
picture) this project is CURSED!!!!"

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Yeah, they tried to deliver our
cursed 13th album to no.13. Needless to say, Marc doesn't live at no.13. I
last heard from him yesterday lunchtime; "Hopefully back sometime
tomorrow. Got a slight twitch in my left arm, which I guess isn't good?" I
think he's probably a little optimistic - if they drill a hole through
your skull, I think there's a reasonable chance they'll keep him in for
observation overnight. I'm sure I can join with all of you in wishing him
a speedy recovery. Oh, and sorting out the advance orders... ;) |
Magic Moments At Twilight Time So, while Marc is having a pleasant
stay at the QEII, let's have a listen through the tracks on the very last
(no, it really will be this time, after 'Vol. 10: The LAST Flashbax' and
'Flashbax Ω ULTIMATE', it really really really will be the final one!!!)
of the 'Flashbax' compilations, yours to download freely at the end of the

Magic Moments At Twilight Time And we start with the very first
demo album, which was actually titled "Magic Moments At Twilight Time" and
recorded under my real name of Mick Lancaster (sshhh). This is the
original photo the cover was made from. To be honest, it should never have
seen the light of day. Probably the only good things to come out of it
were that it provided the band with a name when it came to it, and the
track I've included on this collection. It's a bit raw, but then it was
the first ever full recording I made, Wednesday 16th July 1986, the one
Nick 'Morgan' Lewis referred to in our recent 'Online Chat With'. If you
have a weak bladder, you might want to go first. This is "A House With A
Haunted View"...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Seriously tempted to do something
with this piece of music one of these days, it has a lot of potential,
none of which was realised on this first attempt!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time This last saw release on "Willy The
Oak Tree's 20th Birthday Party... And Other Archive Magic!" (MMATT 21/22)
in July 1988, I suspect only the most hardcore of fans would ever have
heard it before. And people like Nick who couldn't avoid it coz he lived
in the same house at the time. ;)
Jan N. Kremski you know you've stolen the intro from roundabout by
yes? :(
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I never saw a notification for this
post, but better late than never, eh? Actually, yes (no pun intended), I
meant to say something about it on the day but clearly forgot. I think it
was a couple of years afterwards that I realised why the harmonics at the
beginning sounded so familiar. Obviously, if I do have another bash at it
at some point in the future, I'll have to rethink that section. Bet Steve
Howe never thought of running the bath tap though... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time From little acorns, eh? My second
demo album was the first to actually use the MMATT name, "W20 Advance
Guard", and it couldn't have been more different. This was after Albert's
(in little green form) legendary visit before the W20 Session on Saturday
25th October 1986. You know, the one where he rewired all the effects and
amps to create that special MMATT sound. Ahem. The cover I've picked to
illustrate it isn't the one that adorned the final release in March 1987,
rather one I handmade for my first attempt at compiling it.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time That's our Shona with the demonised
red eyes. She's very nice really, doesn't bite fingers or anything. The
track I've selected has the rather odd title of "IFE-1086148 (Sick)", but
you may recognise that backing rhythm as later being recycled into the
backing tracks for both "Pandora" and "Aftermath". Enjoy muchly...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Last time this saw the light of day
would be the same collection as the previous track. Call me a weirdo, but
I |