

















Magic Moments At Twilight Time That was very chilled, huh? Not so the next track, more very silly! For verily, we are now up to a significant point in the MMATT story. I mentioned earlier how the band had come back to October 1986 to put me on the right track earlier, well we've now got to the point where they came back from. We'd decided Xmas singles were nauseating exploitation (Grinch, I know) and decided to do a spoof Xmas mini album, which we called "The Whydoeseverybodydoaxmas Single?" It included a little trip in the Ford Escortron in which Kate had the 'brilliant' idea. The rest, as they say, is / was / will be history. This is "Xmas With Jody", and it's 15 minutes of your life you won't get back... ;)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time See? There was a genuine Christmas bit at the end!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time The "Xmas With Jody" time trip would change everything. When we came back to the present, everything had changed, thus proving my point that it would change everything. Jay had quit the band, Dr. Magic had been replaced by the younger Biodroid and we were now a three piece called "The Psychotron". Don't mess with temporal mechanics, huh? You'd think we'd have learnt that from growing up watching "Star Trek", wouldn't you? This is "Psychojolting"...

"But from The Crypt we rose again, the flesh, The Psychotron"

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ooh, I see Dan Sweigert is sticking likes on things, guess America is out of bed now then!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Morning, Dan! :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I reckon he's taken a coffee and bacon barm back to bed...
Dan Sweigert Yes, it's about time for lunch over here.
Dan Sweigert Sorry, I've been kind of in and out over here, no nasty puns intended.
Dan Sweigert yet

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Always really loved the keyboard solo playout on that track.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time There are two 5 year old girls playing in the room next door, wait till you hear what's up next on the MMATT playlist... :)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Brilliant, Twizz's friend Sofia comes strolling in asking if I can do a necklace up for her! Life...
Let's hope her and Twizz both stay next door (I've closed the office door) for the next one, coz we're up to "Zoen Nostalgia" now and the next track is "Get Into The Dream Cream". This was intended to be the last MMATT album, Jay had gone, Kate had gone. Shona and I were separated, but we'd agreed to work together to fulfil a couple of gig obligations and do one final album together, and bless her for that. Her reward was me making her sing this... :)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time You'll note I didn't tag Shona on this one, I like my testicles were they are, thank you.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time My favourite anecdote about this one is to do with the US zine and radioshow, Gajoob; I sent Bryan Baker a copy of "Zoen Nostalgia" for review and airplay. Apparently, based solely on the title, "Get Into The Dream Cream" was the track he chose to play on the radioshow... without checking it first! I still cringe at the thought of Salt Lake City waking up to; "Masturbate me, come fellate me, fuck me, suck me, make me groan..." ! :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time The song is about my... er... search for new love, post Shona. Being a gentleman, I couldn't possibly name the young lady this was about, especially considering her name became quite well known for other reasons in the years to come. Hey ho...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And to the next chapter of the MMATT story, and we are still in "Zoen Nostalgia" territory. You remember I mentioned my 5 year old daughter being with her friend in the room next door? Well, she wouldn't exist at all without the events that album was based on, because it was a promise I made to a 16 year old Julie White Hawk that, whatever happened in the interim, MMATT would play at her 18th birthday party. It was a promise I kept, in spite of only half the band still being around and my having been separated from the remaining other one, my soon to be second ex-wife, for some 8 months by that point. Just as well, I met a certain Sam Taylor that night (soon to be my third ex-wife... I'm kidding! ;) ), and I have White Hawk to thank for all of that, whether she likes it or not. This song was written for her, it's called "Shades Of Purple" (top of next page on website edit)...