

















Sam Lancaster Love this song. You better watch it though Mr Magic!!!
Sam Lancaster ;-Q
Magic Moments At Twilight Time To the second half of the 'love song duo' in "Zoen Nostalgia", I caught her eye and she twitched her nose. Truth be told, I don't think she realised I existed and I asked if she could twitch her nose but she couldn't! Kind of liked her anyway, so got Julie White Hawk to do the "my mate fancies you" thing because that Sam left me utterly "Bewitched"...

"Sensemillia, darling, I'm so glad you could come"

Magic Moments At Twilight Time The rest, as they say, is history...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time You'll hear the voice of Philip Hutchinson at the beginning there, asking me if I had any erections during it. And they say romance is dead...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time This is one of my fave MMATT tracks, and not just for the obvious connection, love Shona's vocal on here, so cleverly layered and timed.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And there's Philip Hutchinson again, now he's on about nymphomaniacs! Honestly, boy's got a one track mind...
Philip Hutchinson When did I do or say any of this?!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I think it all came from your hand-held recorder tapes from the Lightwater party, "Zoen" is full of them.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Especially you and Peter talking about shirts... ;)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time It is you, I'm not making it up, have a listen for yourself. Honest, guv.
Philip Hutchinson Currently back at Edinburgh Fringe between shows (watching). I remember the shirts thing, but not the rest. Was it all at White Hawk's 18th?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Yes, pretty sure that's where all the taped material came from. How's Edinburgh? I've been watching some on TV, some really interesting acts on there. Saw one poor woman doing a semi-comic interpretive re-enactment of Scott Of The Antarctic to an audience of 6, bless her.
Philip Hutchinson We had five for one of ours.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ouch. The show must go on!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I know all about that, I've been sat here doing this for 6 hours and barely a handful of people have interacted! Talk to me somebody!!! :)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time I feel SO relaxed after that. Fortunately, the next MMATT track allows me to keep it that way. After 'The Lost Year', MMATT finally found its way back to the studio with a new vocalist, the immensely talented Leonie Jackson. After I'd recorded a specially stylised piece of 'Spanish' guitar for an Internal Autonomy project (cheers to Alex Cable), I liked the result so much that we decided to do our own version, and here it is. Myself on guitar, Alex on production and a bit of percussion (I think), Leonie on voice, this is "Spirit", the acoustic original...

Leonie Jackson, sipping at a coffee in 6 Farm Court, circa 1990.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time I do prefer this to the "Spirit Electric" version on "Creavolution" actually, it has such an elegant simplicity to it. Though the sheer range of Leonie's vocals on the electric one are mind blowing...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Wow.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Towards the end of "Flashbax", we get to the two tracks from "White Hawk Atomic", the last ever MMATT cassette, recorded live at our 5th anniversary gig on the planet Alpha Nebuli IV. Another planet? Good heavens, what was I on? This is "Acidic Heaven"...

Pete Program's photo from the landing pad on Alpha Nebuli IV

Magic Moments At Twilight Time And there's Philip Hutchinson again, talking about shirts this time. Told you so... ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Which brings us to the last track of "Flashbax Ω Ultimate" and "White Hawk Atomic", in which the story of MMATT is told from start to finish. And the endings came and went. "Zoen Nostalgia" was the 'final album', then we got back together (well, some of us) to do the 5th anniversary live set of "White Hawk Atomic", then that was it again. For a while. This was the whole story of "Magic Moments At Twilight Time", Leonie Jackson on vocals, Peter Program on synths and me looking very hairy(photo top of next page on website edit)... ;)