Oette Inger Hello, Hello, Hello...
Music & Elsewhere Greetings, hope you're enjoying the music (and
elsewhere)! Thanks for saying hi, hope others will take the hint!!! :)
Music & Elsewhere An hour in, one technical problem, two pieces of
contact, Duncan complaining he couldn't find or hear anything ( do they
have internet in Devon? ;) ) and Jank insulting me. Oh joy.
Mick Tron Thought I'd best pop in and say hi, save you from yourself! ;)
Music & Elsewhere Ah yes, the mighty Biodroid is on tonight at 23:00 with
his "All Things Dark & Beautiful" presentation, looking forward to
listening to that, Mick!
Mick Tron Looking forward to doing it. I'll be online from 23:00
BST/UTC+1, come and join me. Though I expect Mick Magic will be in bed by
then at his age! :)
Music & Elsewhere The cheek of the man, not going to tell them where to
come, Mr. Tron?
Mick Tron Certainly am, be there or be square! And don't forget your
(In this website edit, it will be the next presentation along - MM)

Music & Elsewhere Why thank you, Mr. Tron, hope my snoring won't disturb
you... ;)
Music & Elsewhere Right, next up...

Music & Elsewhere Bit of chilled dub for ya, this is "Earth Chant",
but not the title track from the album "Earth Chant" which is included on
our collection, this is the OTHER track called "Earth
on the "Earth Chant" album. And if you understand that, try reading it again... ;)
Music & Elsewhere Never had a picture of Cosmonaut Mike from Dopefinger
either, but I do have a scan of the CD tracklist, as if just to prove
there were two tracks called "Earth Chant"...

Music & Elsewhere Wish I could tell you a bit more about this London based
project from the early 2000's, but to be honest, I didn't want to spend
all the time I was listening to the tracks with you wittering on about the
bands, there's plenty of info in the booklet for that. Was actually hoping
a few more folk would be saying hi and I could do some chatting with
friends, albeit a Friday evening. C'est la vie. More music...

Music & Elsewhere The track is "Cohabiting", this is my fave Idiom track,
which may leave you wondering why it's not on the collection, but then
you'll find nothing I play in these sessions is actually on it, wanted to
give you all a bit of value plus, enjoy muchly... |

Music & Elsewhere Could put up a picture of Idiom's Christopher Goddard,
but he's not very good looking, so here's a scan of the CDR version of
"Waterglass" instead... ;)
Music & Elsewhere Next up, I fancy a little...

Music & Elsewhere This is the track "Bagdub" from the CD "Prahna Fish",
it's pretty damned groovy...
Music & Elsewhere David Unlimbo now goes by the name of David Akahum,
matching his new project, he's pretty damned groovy too...
Music & Elsewhere This is great for dancing in a whirly office chair to.
Music & Elsewhere If anyone is still in the office, give it a try.
Oette Inger Hard to dance for me today, cause I've had some
Lumbago-problems since wednesday, but I do my best... Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Music & Elsewhere See?
Music & Elsewhere But enough of that, more music...

Music & Elsewhere This is "Ursa Minor"...
Music & Elsewhere Norwegian band, they were, no picture again, but do have
the album cover (top of next page on website edit). Some of these bands just vanish off the face of the
Earth, glad we still have these masters to make sure their excellent
contributions to the underground won't be forgotten... |