Marc seemed happy with the results, so there ya go. It was an enjoyable
visit, I said we should do it again some time, so Marc said "Why don't you
record your new album here?" And I said "We're an underground band, we
can't afford it." And he said "No, for free." So I said "Seriously?" And
he said "No shit." And the rest, as they say, is history. However much I
take the piss out of the Thamesmead Rollers, and if I'm honest, I may have
made one or two quips over the years, we owe Marc an enormous debt of
gratitude for that. The release of "Creavolution" made such a huge
difference for myself and M&E and that opportunity was so much down to his
kindness and generosity. I'm really pleased his band became so successful,
in spite of their being offensive to the ears of genuine music lovers, he
deserves that, decent guy. Now I'd better stop being nice about him before
he's the one who needs to be wearing an ECG monitor for a day!

► 10.
By the summer of 1995, all ten tracks were finished, mixed down and
mastered to DAT. However, one, unfortunately, stood out as a weak point. I
have to say, it sounds a lot better 23 years later, away from the panic
and stress of the moment, but at the time, we were absolutely sure it had
to go. My bad entirely. I was very lucky to have the vocal talents of Inga
Leru available to me and wanted to make the best use of them, faked
orgasms not withstanding, so I had the idea of juxtaposing a dark and
plaintive vocal with the bright 70's style of space disco that had
originally been the backing track for "Freedom Overflow". First mistake;
it was right at the lower end of Inga's range, so it was nigh on
impossible for her to get much emotion into the bottom notes. Against all
odds, she still produced the goods, but then comes the second mistake; the
juxtaposition simply didn't work, it would have needed a lot more of
'something else' that we just didn't have the time to experiment with. One
day, I will come back to this track and do it justice, until then, my
apologies to Inga for screwing up and thank you for all the great work you
did for us. Incidentally, this track is also the explanation for why the
opening tale was at the beginning of track 2; "Storm" was in the middle of
the album somewhere, it was originally supposed to open with "Lights Turn
Blue". After Leonie had redone the vocals as "The Starship Psychotron"
with a rush visit back to Braindead in July, me still working on the
lyrics in the way there in the car, we soon realised it didn't fit
anywhere. So, it either had to open or close, and we already had the
perfect closing track in "Rock & Roll Lifestyle", et voila, opening tale
gets relegated to after track 1. Not many people know that...

► 11.
The release date of 25th October 1995 came and went as we found ourselves
in a bitter legal battle with the original CD manufacturers, following
their doing an absolutely appalling job, which we had quite naturally
rejected. It was this hideously poor quality product that inspired Marc
Bell to turn out this little gem. He'd recently been working with Mike
Westergaard, of The Blessing, on an album of psyche dance mixes of
Thamesmead Rollers tracks. The album was "Ghosts" (M&E 337), released
under the TMR banner in the May of 1996. As one of the tracks was a remix
of "Armegeddon Time", which included some of my guitar, synths and vocals,
he picked it out to do a special mix, complete with just about every
digital error he could think of at the time; dropout, distortion, false
starts, bad editing and many more. Personally, I think he might have been
having a pop at someone, but hey, it's all water under the bridge now.
This, Marc notes, is 'Take 5', and is a previously unreleased mix,
consider yourselves privileged!
► 12.
Oh, come on, where's the love in your heart? This one HAD to be here! Wil
Walker's cheeky mix up of "Creavolution" opened almost every
"M&E Audiozine" from 1997 to 2001, the backwards version closed most as
well. Here they are together, for the very first time, together in
electric dreams. If this alone is not enough to put you off, you can find
more on the Cheapo's
and on their
Come on then, what are you waiting for? |