When the last batch of M&E release reviews
sent out to subscribers in May 2003, they should have been accompanied by an
issue of the UWU Newszine and the Rise 2003 edition of the UWU Audiozine, a
glorious chrome C90 filled with sample tracks from said batch of new
releases that would have bore the catalogue number M&E 600. Should
have. The best laid men of mice with plans, as they say. First, they were a
bit late in being completed, so I sent the reviews ahead. Then they got put
on the back-burner. Then I made a start on both, but finished neither. Then
they were forgotten and M&E began to fade away with the technology it had
championed for the last 16 years. Only 2½
pages of the "Millennium 3 Newszine" were ever done, and that much you can
see on this website
(M3). The Audiozine never got mastered, and
would have been forgotten about completely, if not for my stumbling
across the finished inlay design a few years ago, on a Microsoft
Publisher file on a removable back-up drive that I was looking for something
totally unrelated on. Having looked through the track listing, I realised I
had a digital copy of everything included (except one, which the
contributing artist kindly replaced for me, thanks, Simon). So, ten years
later than originally planned, I uploaded the tracks to a new Soundcloud
page, where you can listen to and/or download them till your heart's
content. Enjoy muchly...
1. GLASS - "Glass Planet"
From "Glass Planet" (M&E 590), our joint Release Of The Season. Fabulous
Scottish band who were supporting All About Eve at the time. Very melodic
with a touch of gothic dark wave about it and the excellent voice of Mo
Bird. If they'd only had more time with us, this band would have become firm
M&E favourites.
2. SHAY - "The Storyteller"
From "Dreamers And Stalkers" (M&E 583), the other joint Release Of The
Season. From County Durham came this duo from the Stone Premonitions stable.
It's a wondrous brand of melodic proggy gothy folky stuff, all topped off
with Finn Millar's compelling voice, quite reminiscent of Noosha Fox, for
those who remember the 70's...
3. THE CONSPIRACY - "Tenderhooks (E-Bow Mix)"
From "Sword Of Damocles / Ghost EP - M&E Special Edition"
(M&E 588). One of
our top selling bands is this Devon indie outfit, so
I doubt I need to tell
you much else about them. Plus you could just read the interview on
this website, eh?
4. GARFIELD'S BIRTHDAY - "Everything"
From "Peepshow - M&E Special Edition" (M&E 578). Bright and breezy indie pop
with a distinct 60s touch. From Simon Felton's Dorset coast label, Pink
Hedgehog Records.
"Completely Counterintuitive"
From "Myth Eaters" (M&E 595). From those wacky Australian types at
Yippie Bean, a band virtually impossible to pigeon-hole. Good! Intricately
crafted vocal harmonies on an offbeat bush-folk backing.
6. SOLANACEAE TAU - "Monks Of Discordia"
From "Voices From The Ground Behind" (M&E 599). The German dark wave gothic
techno punk of Andreas Kirchner, bleak and desolate musical landscapes with
haunting and discordant chanted femme vox.
7. THE VENUS FLY TRAP - "28th March"
From "Dark Amour / Jailbait - M&E Special Edition" (M&E 582). Alex Novak's
delightfully dark brand of techno-goth, dirty and reverbed guitars parry
with squidgy elektroid sequencers. The "Jailbait" side of the release was by
The Den, one of Alex's earlier projects.
From "Bushy Luxury (Not The Whole Story) - M&E Special Edition" (M&E
591). Interesting collaboration between the Virgin Prunes vocalist and
Japanese underground legend. Tekbeats and offbeat punky touches, an
unexpected pairing with some highly creative results.
From the Pumf Records sampler, "Uplarious" (M&E 580). This particular track
is from the label's creator himself, the inimitable Stan Batcow. Wacky lo-fi
sub-pop from an absolute one-off.
10. KEVYN DYMOND - "The Brandenburg Concerto"
From the Guaranteed Cleveland Records sampler, er... "The GCR Sampler" (M&E
589). Again, the track picked is from the label's creator and the incredible
talent we call 'Hot Wheels'. This is his incredible take on Johann Sebastian
Bach, all parts played by himself, and note that at no time did his fingers
leave the ends of his hands...
""28th March" by The Venus Fly Trap, was 'automatically removed' by
Soundcloud on 25th September 2022, a mere 9 years after we uploaded it, as
it is "owned by Cherry Red Records in certain territories", and although it
was first released on an M&E cassette in May 2003, we cannot be arsed to
argue about it with a bot-driven auto-platform, so it's gone... |