It began at the end of September
last year, some four weeks before our 'best of' set, "Flashbax
Ω Ultimate", was due for release on the German Klappstuhl label. Messages
appeared on the Twitter feeds of myself and Julie White Hawk, from one
the real name of Dr. Magic in the MMATT back story. The message on my feed
read; "Thanks to you, my young friend, I have found a way to make the
journey! I will be with you soon. Best wishes, Albert M. Tron." An amusing
hoax, I thought, but the guy had clearly done his homework. When I started
taking the piss (yes, I realise this will come as a shock to many of you,
but I have occasionally been known to behave that way), he tweeted me in
grammatically perfect Ecian, a language I had invented especially for the
aforementioned back story, as being a native tongue on Gamma Syndrome. Now
anyone could check some of our lyrics sheets, album covers and booklets for
suitably 'alien' phrases to use, but this guy was constructing his own
sentences, as well as including information that I was positive I'd never
published in English, let alone in my made up extra-terrestrial idiom. He
claimed to be the REAL Dr. Magic on a parallel Earth, one where all the
MMATT tales of Ford Escortrons and little green men in bowler hats were
actually true. I, however, was quite convinced this had to be an old friend
playing a very clever wind up. When he insisted he would be visiting our
Earth on October 25th, our album's release day, it rather confirmed it in my
mind. Naturally, I wasn't averse to a bit of real-time drama on social media
helping to publicise the album, so I played along. Which, for a week or so,
was quite good fun, the guy played the role as well as I did back in the
80's! But then it took an unpleasant turn and he started to take himself
seriously, calling a friend of mine a "stupid damn human" and myself an
"arrogant ass" (honestly, I ask you). I decided to
The "Dr. Magic" Twitter account
that first made contact on Monday 28th September 2015. They'd have you
believe that stranger things happen at sea. Please let me assure you; they
don't. Well, Bermuda Triangle maybe. |
give him a
public lecture on good manners and told him he'd be blocked if he overdid
it. I mean, there's funny and there's just plain rude. Then lo and behold,
he confesses to being an old friend of mine stitching me up, one that I
hadn't seen in a couple of decades. We started chatting about the old days
on PM's, I was amazed how much he remembered, some of which you'll have to
forgive me for not wishing to share publicly! We announced that he really
had been telling the truth, that he was genuinely Dr. Magic from an
alternate universe, then began working out a story script, as co-admins of a
'Dr. Mick Magic PsD' Facebook page, to make our social
media 'live theatre' all the more fun. We began a photo album on it called "Anti Matter -
The Story From An Alternate Universe...", in which he put the lion's share
of the story ideas forward, while I created the accompanying graphic images.
And all was good till it took a sinister turn. A few days before launch,
we'd arranged to meet for lunch at a pub in nearby Lancaster, just to cross
the t's and dot the i's, plus do a serious bit of catching up. Only he
didn't turn up and I wasted most of my afternoon. When I returned home, I
found I'd been removed as an admin on the Facebook page and he'd gone
completely off script, claiming just about everyone ever associated with the
MMATT of his world had been killed by some intergalactic tyrant. I was
furious, MMATT stories were supposed to be funny, multiple homicide seemed
to miss that remit by a yard or so. That afternoon, I was catching up with
the news on BBC i-Player, when an image appeared that really disturbed me;
mixed in with the TV signal and somewhat fuzzy was "Dr. Magic" in a photo
that was clearly taken in my studio, holding a copy of our album, which I
hadn't even got a copy of myself at the time. When confronted with something
like this, you're concerned, naturally. You start wondering if someone has
broken in when you've been out. But then pictures can be faked. Then you
start thinking your PC must have been hacked and regret sticking with XP as
long as you have. Intensive virus scans revealed absolutely nothing.
However, his claim that he would be 'paying me a visit' on Saturday 25th
October suddenly took on a more menacing tone...

The image that greeted me whilst
watching the BBC News on i-Player that fateful evening. As luck would have
it, my camera was right next to the computer, otherwise people might have
thought I was making it up... |