
Did you win a sticker, well done! Of course, that's a little out of date
now, so I asked Jörg (that's his real name, us being good friends and all)
what he was up to and thinking about at the moment. He's nowt if not
"As some might know, I started my underground life in the 1980s, when via
new invented 4-track cassette recorders, in combination with Xerox
machines and the worldwide postal system, an international underground
scene came alive that would end in planet Earth's archives as a "cassette
culture movement". Right now, a big data base is created in Germany which
will tell future generations about what was going on. Then came the
digital age with ways for everyone to produce (computer) and distribute
(internet) more or less directly from the living room. The digital age
also brought a conglomeration of everything that once was somehow
separated and clearly defined. So today all seems possible with a cleverly
constructed You Tube account and some online download offerings.
While almost everybody in the classic days
was unique and individual, because they all wanted to get away from the
music biz rules and regulations that were always leading to the same
market-approved results, the update online version too often goes the
opposite way, because it seems possible to become the next superstar by
applying to today's rules and regulations .. right out of one's living
room. Today's mainstream is just a mouse-click away.
So on the one hand I find the most
interesting, unique new creations - creative people whose work is often
based on 70 years of recorded sound. On the other hand I find an avalanche
of mediocre boring copy cats.
With my radioshows, I try to present the
unique underground individuals of the modern age. Long working musicians
offering a new, unique quality - no matter what style or genre. I tend to
work with a small group of selected musicians, presenting them often at my
shows - no endless string of zillions of online files - no - a carefully
chosen |
new physical release will be presented for months, and often after several
months, or even years, will make a comeback on my radioshows.
Communication - I don't want to write a
lengthy chapter about this aspect - but - communication totally changed
with the so called social media. Sure the days of 4 paged handwritten
letters may be over, today's communication is shorter because it's quicker
- but - a "that's cool" on Facebook is no real "communication" at all. To
cut it short; people who never really communicate are sorted out sooner or
later. And - yes - like music cassettes, I receive handwritten letters
I only work with physical releases (CD, Vinyl, MC) - *all files in the
cloud* will sooner or later disappear. I could go much more detailed into
this aspect but probably will save that for later. Reduction is a healing
process these days, if I look at the exploding amount of all that is
available to everyone today. Everything becomes meaningless, because there
is always more and more and ... It is badly needed to learn again to
select and choose with a conscious mind. Buy one carefully selected
physical release, then sit down and listen to the entire release - makes
you experience another dimension!
A first step into the above defined
direction are my 3 radioshows, presenting the same crew of creative people
but from different angles. The KFR show is a fresh music show, the Radio
On show grew into something like a magazine with experimental overtones
and the Radio Marabu show now has a strong social context.
I guess producing radioshows and connecting
people is my main work at the moment. Producing own music and everything
else seems to need a creative break ... well lets put it this way -
compared to the old days, when spitting out a production almost every
other month, I'm dead slow these days. My last solo CD "Still Dancin" is
from 2014 and the Meta Georgia CD, the duo with my girlfriend, was
released 2013. No own concerts, no hosting of live shows at the moment.
More than 190 broadcasted radioshows you
can find at
http://www.archive.org for download and/or to listen to, search for
Lord Litter.
If anything of the above sounded interesting
- get in touch!"
http://www.LordLitter.de -