Magic Moments At Twilight Time Boy meets girl...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time And that's all covered in "Shades Of
Purple" and "Bewitched", which appear on "Flashbax Ω Ultimate" (Klappstuhl
Records) with "Get Into The Dream Cream"...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time The first generation of MMATT comes to an

Magic Moments At Twilight Time But we left the album on a more cheerful
note, first with a little goodbye from our alien friends, the "Little
Green Men In Bowler Hats"...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Before we added an official MMATT goodbye
ourselves with "The Scroll"...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Three days before Zoen was released, 4th
July 1989, I crashed the Ford Escortron on a country lane in Pilling,
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Where a permanent memorial remains to this

Magic Moments At Twilight Time And the final MMATT album, we thought, was
released on July 7th...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time As it turned out it was far from the end
for MMATT, and actually got something else started properly; Music &
Elsewhere. The clue was the trailer that was added at the end of the
album, a trailer that will lead nicely to my next guest, Philip
Hutchinson, who will be with us in a few minutes. Icon no. 2... ;)

The album
the trailer was previewing was Christ!'s "Please Don't Touch My Yoghurt"
(MMATT 32, 1989), and we'll be chatting to Philip Hutchinson as soon as
you click on his angelic little face...
Philip Hutchinson Oh, I see what you did near the end. Very clever.