
post it up here in a minute. It's very cool indeed. You might need to sit
Mick Magic Oh, sex on a stick... :)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Too cool for school, huh? It
probably wouldn't be the one of you and Peter crouching by the monitor
either (West End Centre again) used for the Fox & Hounds gig ticket. I
remember announcing you there for that one; "In the beginning, God created
the heavens and the Earth, having outbid Charles Church for the

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Close though!
Philip Hutchinson I liked that photo too, but we were just
crouching by a monitor in discussion! Your introduction for that show was
great. We had a very fun evening. I think that was our best show. Video
clips, light show, lots of silly performance art like wearing cardboard
boxes and smashing up dolls...
Philip Hutchinson The snot green paper for the tickets had lain
unused in the council office where I was working at the time and I
photocopied them when no one was looking.
Philip Hutchinson Do you recall the one-off performance of Oh My
Sexy Disco Queen?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Was that at the first Fox & Hounds
one? Long time ago. Anyway, it was soon after that that we released what
would be the label's first entirely 'out of house' production, thus
setting the future template for M&E, your piece de resistance, the mighty
"Please Don't Touch My Yoghurt", reissued in 1992 on M&E proper. And we
have to do a track from it, this is my particular favourite, it's called
"My Name Is...", no, hang on, that's not the one, it's "Italian Pickle
Farming"... ;)

Magic Moments At Twilight Time That is you that does the sung
lines, isn't it?
Philip Hutchinson I did nothing on the studio version of Italian
Pickle Farming. I didn't even hear the song until Peter had finished it.
Philip Hutchinson Actually, it came out in the summer of 1989. We
recorded it in February 1989. I don't think any of it was a joint effort
except Satan Went Down To Sainsburys. Peter did all his tracks and I did
all mine. I don't think Italian Pickle Farming has aged well. Lyrically,
it is akin to the Bonzos and the comedy value doesn't hold up to repeated
listens in my opinion. Musically, it is quintessentially what Peter was
about. He was a GOOD musician. I wasn't. I really wasn't. I always
quantified my presence by saying the purpose of the band was for Peter to
create something nice and me to then stamp all over it in muddy boots. |
Philip Hutchinson The image for the album, by the way, was from the
Crookham Pantomime in 1989 when they performed The Pied Piper.
Philip Hutchinson I think the graphics work was yours - we wanted
just the photograph but when completed it turned up with the band name on
Magic Moments At Twilight Time We actually released 'Yoghurt' on
13th October, just checked it in Music Master. Ah, Pied Piper cover, yeah,
I was wondering where I'd got the picture from. I think it had changed to
Jason & Kylie for the '92 M&E reissue. Sadly, of course, instead of
'Yoghurt' launching the new label, I went into bouts of depression because
I couldn't get a new stable line up for MMATT together and called time on
the whole thing in the Spring of the following year. I don't know, did we
keep in touch in between times? The next time I actually have any record
of us being in the same room was when I depped with the band at the next
Fox & Hounds gig in September 1991, the one where the stage was decorated
with lots of photocopied faces.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Here, I have a picture...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Who's the handsome guy with the dark
collar? ;)
Philip Hutchinson Your PhotoShop skills astound and amuse me.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Yes, sorry about the heart attack!
Philip Hutchinson The connection remained sporadically after that -
both Peter and I ended up at drama school in London and I think we both
found the whole local music scene rather hostile. There was an awful lot
of bullying going on in those days. I don't think we should ever have
contributed to Scott Wood's fanzine The Gossville Arsonist. I was a nice,
polite boy from a small parish - somewhat depressive and intense - and was
definite fodder for the snakebite-swilling pseudo-Goths of Camberley.
Crushingly embarrassing to reflect on today, but I'm sure we all have
these skeletons in the cupboard. It was actually in 1990 I feel we did our
finest work. We did a couple of really decent demos with the chap from
Internal Autonomy and recorded our noise album Landscape Gardening With
Ian And Myra. I feel that has aged best.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I hope you liked the photo, I went
to a lot of trouble to get that! ;) I remember I also depped with the band
at The North Camp, and at least one other time at Ragamuffins in
Camberley. And I wouldn't worry about that Scott Wood's bullying, he used
to make me cry with his spiteful reviews too (I will let it go one day,
Scott, promise)! :) Now, once M&E got going properly in 1992, we started
to release quite a lot of your stuff, including the unnervingly titled
'Landscape Gardening'. My personal favourite was the slightly less
tastelessly titled "Ian Curtis In A Spacesuit", where go we for our next
musical interlude. This is one of your acerbic "Fairy Tales For Washington
Wives" series, which I still think are an absolute dark delight, this is
No. 4 "Cup Cakes", let's have a listen then you can tell me where the
inspiration for the mini series came from...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Twisted! :)
Philip Hutchinson I should point out that I'm not blaming Scott!
Ian Curtis In A Spacesuit is the album that, I think, captures what the
band were about. This track is making me laugh hearing it again. This was
entirely Peter's track but I furthered the stories myself at a later
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I blame Scott for everything.
Especially things he wasn't responsible for.
Philip Hutchinson It always annoyed me there was a glitch on the
master tape and one channel phases out briefly at the start.
Philip Hutchinson The numbering of the series was entirely
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Well, I would ask Peter, but he