Moments At Twilight Time
C-4016 was the legendary "The Whydoeseverybodydoaxmas Single?", featuring
"Xmas With Jody" on the A-side and "R.E.M." on the flip. Of course, that
doesn't really count as an album either, the clue is in the title, and in
any event, both tracks are available elsewhere.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Which brings us to "The Time Machine"
(C-4017), the moment everything started to change.
Albert M Tron Tell me about it.
Moments At Twilight Time Although exactly the same length as the 'Xmas
single' at 30 minutes, it was at least intended to be an album, albeit a
mini one. Little bits have surfaced elsewhere - "Squashed Elephant"
appears on "Grain-Aid!", the title track is on "Flashbax Ω Ultimate" and a
few tracks are on "Designer Brain Damage". But the track I've chosen has
never seen the light of bytes. On the original album, it was in four
parts, but I've joined them all together for this very special collection
so you can now enjoy all that smutty rudeness in one easy helping. Send
your kids out of the room, folks, this is "Sally The Android"...

Albert M Tron I could tell you a story or two about Sally the
android, trust me.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time She was REAL???
Albert M Tron She most certainly was on this side of the
transdimensional divide, yes.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time The mind boggles.
Albert M Tron How familiar are your MMATT fans with the story
behind 'The Time Machine'?
Magic Moments At Twilight Time I think I may have mentioned it once
or twice.
Albert M Tron When I was in the midst of the W20 session on
Saturday 25th October 1986, the other three members of my then future band
travelled back from the February of 1988, so it is a rather bizarre
chronally cross-phased collection. Although we all recorded it together,
we were doing it from different time periods. What I didn't know at the
time was that three different versions of me from three different time
periods were in the vicinity at the same time.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Why couldn't we have a more
conventional band origin story, like "Hey, we met at college and started
gigging together."
Albert M Tron The truth is often stranger than fiction, my young
Magic Moments At Twilight Time My head hurts.
Albert M Tron This was all part of a greater plan, because when the
rest of the band returned to February 1988, I would no longer be there.
Perhaps I should hand over to my Biodroid counterpart at this point?
Mick Tron In that February, he and the other band members journeyed
back in time in the Ford Escortron to change the band’s history, from
which he at first returned alone. He told me that, upon the return of the
other members, I was to pretend to be him and take over, while he would be
‘otherwise engaged’ for a while. “I’ll explain later.” He said. He never
did. Without him at the helm, the band began to fall apart, first with Jay
Time leaving, then a shortlived spell as The Psychotron, then Kate
Twilight went, then I trashed The Doc’s marriage to Shona Moments, what’s
a Biodroid to do? After the 5th anniversary gig on Alpha Nebuli IV, it
came to an end, at least until two years later in 1994, when I started
Mick Tron’s Magic Moments Revival. But that was all before the multi-world
war that saw virtually all of them wiped out except me. The Doc returned
eventually, convinced his leaving had caused this disaster, that the
tragedy was never meant to happen, that something I had done in his
absence had started the whole chain of events that lead there.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ah, now the latter part of that
never happened on my world, there was no "Mick Tron's Magic Moments
Revival" here.
Mick Tron So you never got to hear this excellent album on your
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Nope, I only know of it through the
Doc. But look, we're getting ahead of ourselves and I don't want to
confuse our followers (ooh, I am SUCH a little liar)!
Moments At Twilight Time After the release of "The Time Machine",
things really were different. Jay had gone, it was just Shona, Kate and
myself, although now I'd ditched the Dr. Magic costume and got a bit more
of a hip image with aviator shades and no dry shampoo in my hair. This was
the brief era of The Psychotron. The passing of Magic Moments At Twilight
Time was duly marked with a special C30 compilation called "MMATT R.I.P",
exclusively given out to folk who came on the coach to our final gig as a
foursome at The Crypt. Doesn't count as an album, of course.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time In the July of 1988, the label
became an official registered one for the first time. As the band was now
working under the name of The Psychotron, we used Magic Moments At
Twilight Time (Music & Elsewhere) as the label name. Amongst those first
releases on the new label was "Psychotron 0: The Best Of MMATT" (MMATT
20). Although not strictly a new and thus 10th album, because it was
mostly a repackaging of "The Magic Moments Album" for a new and larger
marketplace, we're going to do a track from it anyway, otherwise we'd have
nothing on the collection from that very brief Psychotron era.
"Psychojolting" being on "Flashbax Ω Ultimate" already, I chose this one,
this is "Aftermath"...

Mick Tron Finally we're on to my stuff! :)
Albert M Tron I'll try not to interrupt...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Keener ears will recognise the
backing rhythm pattern from the second track from this collection (that we
played on Friday), "IFE-1086148 (Sick)".
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Underrated track, I think, c'est la
vie. Excellent solo at the end though, Mick, take a bow.
Mick Tron You flatter me, sir.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Probably. ;) Also part of that
initial batch of releases on the 'official' label were repackagings of all
the early recordings; "Willy The Oak Tree's 20th Birthday Party... And
Other Archive Magic!" (MMATT 21/22), "Acidic Dreams With Sister Jody...
And Other Live Moments!" (MMATT 23/24) and "Experimental Twilight... At
Transformation Time!" (MMATT 25/26)...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Between the tracks on "Psychotron
0", you might recall some linking electro-experimental pieces called
"Xtron", followed by a number. They proved a great curiosity to many early
takers of the album, which lead us to release the whole lot in full a few
weeks later, making "Xtron Nos. 1-13" our official 10th (and most obscure)
album! Picking a track from that was easy, none of the 13 has ever seen
the light of day again, not even the brief extracts that appear on
"Psychotron 0" have been digitised. But which of the 13? Again, simplicity
itself, it had to be no.7 because it features the voice of Kate
Twilight... |