Magic Moments At Twilight Time Kate was lost to us in a car
accident 19 years ago to this very day, merely 30 years old, bless her.
This is "Xtron 7"...

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Still makes me sad to hear her
voice, but it's good to have something left from her, rather than nothing.
She really was one of the nicest people I've known and such an asset to
the band in her time with us as well.
Albert M Tron And so say we all.
Mick Tron And so say we all.

Magic Moments At Twilight Time Ironically, we've also got to the
part of the story where Kate left the band too. In fact, pretty much
everything fell apart when my and Shona's marriage came to an end in the
Summer of 1988. Although Sho and I sat down and talked, kept everything
very civilised and agreed to fulfil our remaining gig obligations and do
one last album together, it was all up in the air for a while and Kate
just kind of drifted away. With MMATT on the back burner, the next
recording project I did was under the name of Ehrlich Bullet, which was a
rather subtle clue to the identity of the man behind it. I'd come up with
it to do a solitary track for the "Grain-Aid!" compilation originally, but
decided to revive it so as to have something to accompany the first few
Christ & Satan releases our fledgling 'official' label was putting out. My
contribution was the 4 track C12 (how precise is that) of "Music Is
Dead... Let It Rot!" (half of MMATT 28/29 with "Dark Side Of The
Sausage"). But 12 minutes do not an album make...

Albert M Tron They do, however, make a point of conversation.
That's who your 'transdimensional phantom' was; Ehrlich Bullet's Skit
Zoyd. On his Earth, that was the persona you adopted and EB were recently
celebrating their 30th anniversary. This is he... |
Magic Moments At Twilight Time That place is almost identical to
Mick Tron Parallel Earth, the clue is in the name.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time At least I appear to keep my sarcasm
in every dimension! ;)
Albert M Tron Not that I would attempt to best such a mighty
intellect as yours with sarcasm.
Magic Moments At Twilight Time 25 Mick Magics across 25 parallel
universes, opens some possibilities, doesn't it? We're over-running again,
but what the hell, we still have two tracks of our 13 to go, so we're not
going anywhere yet.
Albert M Tron There's more to come on the subject of Mr. Zoyd, but
it would make a better climax to the event than losing it here. I do give
these things some thought, you know. ;)
Magic Moments At Twilight Time Cheers, Doc, moving on. Album no. 11
was the 'one last album together' I referred to a few posts back, "Zoen
Nostalgia" (MMATT 30), billed as 'the final MMATT album', and with Shona
and I parting company afterwards, I really thought it was. So it came down
to choosing a track for this special compilation, which wasn't quite so
simple; three of the most popular tracks from it are on "Flashbax Ω
Ultimate", and the rest were all included in the special feature I did on
here a few weeks ago...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time As luck would have it, there was a
flipside of bonus material to choose from, and amongst those tracks was
the original of our famed 'story song', "Magic Moments At Twilight Time",
which would be unknown to anyone who got into the band during our
underground years (1991 and onwards), because it didn't appear on the
second edition of the album that was on sale by then! So, sit back, put
your feet up for 12 minutes and enjoy something of a real rarity, vocals
by Miss Shona Moments...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time If the music itself sounds familiar,
think "Xmas With Jody"!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time One of these days I'm going to do
the ultimate mash up of those two...
Jan N. Kremski yes!! do it!!
Magic Moments At Twilight Time It's on my list of things to |