Sunday 23rd October 2016: As promised in the event programme (click on the
cover image below for your souvenir PDF copy), our official 30th
Anniversary celebrations kicked off here at 14:30 BST (UTC +1), with my
posting a few pictures on the MMATT Facebook page to set up the background
to what was going on. You don't need an account to view the album, just
click on the link and enjoy muchly;
Would you like to know more? The whole story, from first contact to 'The
Invitation', was covered in some detail in the
RISE 2016 EDITION. Right,
now you're up to date (and if you're sitting comfortably, of course), we
shall begin: I posed for a farewell picture on the sofa in our living
room, just so there was something to accompany my 'few words' posted at
14:38, which rather prophetically included; "It's just a trip to another
dimension, what could possibly go wrong?" I had a last cuddle with Twizz
(right) before I left for my date with destiny. Poor little thing was
quite upset that daddy was going away for a couple of weeks, she wanted to
come with me. She couldn't quite grasp the concept that it would only be a
couple of weeks from my point of view and just an hour and a quarter from
hers. Would you like to know more? The Doc explains the strange effects of
the chronal tethering technology in the event programme, on his very
maturely titled "Transdimensional Sciencey Wiencey" page. I was a little
pensive as I set off to the necessarily secret 'pick up' point in
Hackensall Woods. There was such a strange duality of emotions going on in
my head. On the one hand, who could not be excited to be travelling to a
parallel Earth to join in the 30th Anniversary celebrations of the MMATT
of that world? The band had risen to global fame there and were looking
forward to a seafront tickertape parade, a champagne reception at the Rock
& Roll Hall Of Fame and a tribute concert at one of their world's most
prestigious venues. On our Earth, I was just thinking half a lager and a
packet of crisps in The Bourne Arms. On the other hand, there was that
fear of the unknown that's a part of our human make up. I was about to
climb into some strange futuristic vehicle and spend three days in a
suspended state crossing interdimensional space. I mean, I'm a middle aged
man, what if I needed the toilet? There was also the issue of the
communication difficulties we'd been having with the alternate Earth, we'd
not heard from The Doc or Mick Tron since the Wednesday evening. This was
also a lost opportunity, coz due to the strange nature |

A farewell cuddle with Twizz
before setting off on my date with destiny...
of the chronal tether tech and transdimensional travel, I would have
arrived there Thursday morning, three days before I left here, and I'd
been looking forward to talking to myself. However, The Doc had said the
communication problems would have no bearing on anything else, so I wasn't
really bothered about it, save for missing the chance to ask my future
self what number I was thinking of and have me say "69, DUDE!" Anyway, so
there I was, standing in a quiet section of Hackensall Woods on a cold
Sunday afternoon, waiting for an SCV (Spacetime Continuum Vehicle - I was
so hoping it would be a white Mark 1 Ford Escortron, but figured their
technology would have moved on some in 30 years) to appear. As 15:15
approached, I pointed my camera skyward and south, where I had been told
it would appear from, and then the lights went out. In a split second,
daylight was replaced by darkness. Although I had been forewarned of this
effect, it was quite disorienting and I could only watch in awe as the
'flying car' began to materialise and dropped slowly to the track. I had
fully intended to take a sequence of photos of the whole process, instead
I just got one of the first appearance of its headlights, then stood there
like a large boy |