of Simon House (ex Hawkwind), UFO and Curved Air (good man), which I would
go so far as to say is the sort of company we like to keep, whether
we be worthy of it or otherwise. I did ask Barry for an update on his
activities, but I cleverly caught him when he'd just gone on air, so let's
just assume he's gonna keep playing great music (and MMATT stuff) for the
foreseeable future. I do have questions though, it looks like he plays
some electronic keyboards and FX with a band too (photo credited to a
Harry C, but I'm sure he won't mind), and I shall indeed seek answers next
time out (and promise not to wait till the last minute again)! In the
meantime, enjoy some nice sounds from the man himself, and other kindred
souls, on TBFM...

Back in the day, Gary Waterworth used to run the Dizzy Positivity cassette
label, not just through his love of music, but also to raise money for a
cause he believed in; the Patchwork organisation, a charity that sought to
support the courageous parents who home-schooled their children. In 1993,
we were happy to give him the master of "Flashbax
9" to assist with that mission. Pictured left is their original release
cover for it, and very psychedelic it is too. I rather doubt it's still
available (you can pick most of the series up for a bit under a tenner via
sites like
but I've not seen Vol. 9 on there in a while), though Gary has mentioned
he's thinking about digitising it at some point. Anyway, 23 years later
and nothing much changes. Of course, we're not |

talking cassettes any more. Nowadays, it's Digital Dizzy, a net label, but
he's still hard at it raising a fair few quid for the things that matter
to him. Recently, he put together a seriously massive collection (no
exaggeration - 11 hours of music, 114 tracks, amazing variety of
underground sounds, including a special appearance by Nik Turner's
Outriders Of The Apocalypse), "all monies go to the Langdale Merzbarn
Cylinders Estate." This all goes towards preserving the Merzbau
installation, a sculptural collaged wall in an Elterwater barn, by the
notorious Dadaist art rebel, Kurt Schwitters. If you're into art,
I'm sure you'll know who he is anyway, but there's plenty of info about
him (not that you can ever be sure it's all accurate) on
either way. If you fancy expanding your digital music collection by a
further 11 hours, this is certainly a worthwhile cause to benefit as you
do so. Available on the link for a minimum donation of £5 GBP, but do give
a bit more if you can afford it, cheers...
Included artists that
will be known to M&E fans include DJ Urinal Cake (ex Vocabularinist), M.
Nomized, Feroxide (ex Internal Autonomy) and, of course, Nik Turner
(Judgment & Thunder, with the late and much missed Judge Trev). I'd
promised to do a MMATT track specially for it too, but what with all the
preparations for my transdimensional adventure et al, I didn't make the
deadline. It's okay, I wouldn't let myself eat marzipan for an hour by way
of penance. Oh, how I suffered. But, and let it be said, deservedly so.
Anyway, as luck would have it, I wasn't the only one, so Gary has decided
to do a kind of add on volume, which I offered him "The Electric Age
Cometh" for, to which he graciously responded; "Fuckin
love the song, Mick, and would be honoured to include it on the extra
comp. Thanks for supporting this. x." Yes, I got a kiss on the end too.
Hope that doesn't make Neil Crud jealous. Anyway, Digital Dizzy comp
including MMATT to come. This was all like yesterday (18th November), so
no further details as yet (New Year's Resolution will definitely be to
stop leaving things to the last minute!), but the spaces to watch for
further info are the Digital Dizzy
and their