11th March 1987;
After several months of
experimentation, we were finally ready to make our first Magic Moments At
Twilight Time demo cassette available to the wider world, and this was it,
"State Of The Art" (C-4003, numbered thus because we also simultaneously
'released' the two earlier attempts at demos, probably unwisely, so let's
just airbrush history and pretend that didn't happen). I seem to recall the
original inlay, of which this is a somewhat cleaned up version, was
hand-shaded with pink and sky blue highlighters. It didn't really matter, we
only ever sold 5 copies, though it did get us a recording deal with a small
London based independent label called Earworm Records. We just recorded two
tracks for them, as it turned out, but it was one of those early confidence
boosters that made sure the rest was, as they say, history. If you'd have
gotten a copy of that demo (and I honestly have no idea if any survived, we
certainly don't have any), this would have been the first track you would
have heard, complete with a trick effect that was designed to have listeners
scrambling for their cassette decks back in the day...
Magic Moments At Twilight Time
"Story X" (7:23)
Of course, the label wasn't
called Music & Elsewhere back then, it wasn't a label at all, just a local
band doing demo cassettes. But M&E is what it became, ultimately going on to
release over 600 cassettes, CDR's, CD's, digital albums, data discs, an
e-book and even a special 30th anniversary floppy disk! So, starting on 11th
March 2023, a mere 36 years on, we're going to be working through every band
/ artiste we ever released, from Acidfuck to Zerobranco. That's something
over 260 in all, so at one a day (ish), it's probably going to be
Christmas (again) by the time we've finished, it's gonna be quite an
adventure. Meanwhile, here's some compilations to get you started (right
column), none of which will cost you a penny... |
.jpg) "GRAIN-AID!"
(MMATT 19, July 1988)
A serious golden oldie, this was the first cassette
ever to utilise the name Music & Elsewhere and our first ever compilation.
Freely available to stream or download via Soundcloud, it features the bands
of The Grain co-operative, several of whom did full albums for M&E in the
years to come.
Our only ever CD compilation,
featuring some of the finest bands and artistes ever to appear on the label,
as well as a cover by the legendary Alan Arthurs! Available to download
freely here from our Dropbox, in mp3 format at an ear-pleasing 320kbps,
complete with all artwork.
(M&E 600, 2013)
Uploaded to Soundcloud 10 years
late, where much of it is still free to stream or download, this was
supposed to have been released as the sampler compilation to accompany the
original M&E tape label's last batch of releases in May 2003. As they say,
the best laid men of mice with plans.
11th MARCH 2023: IT BEGINS...
That's the day the first band,
Acidfuck, will have a track posted on the 'A is for...' page. You can browse
using the links in the bottom corners, or go direct to where you want via
the letter links above them, which will go live as that page appears. No Q
or Y though. Incredibly, out of the several thousands of tracks we released,
not so much as a single one of them was by a band / artiste beginning with Q
or Y, go figure... |