



















Artist: Magic Bullet & Guests (Conny Plankton, Filmy Ghost and Howl in the Typewriter)

Title: Fraternitas

Label: Music & Elsewhere

Catalogue Number: M&E MB-011

Release Date: 7th July 2024

Running Time: 68:16 (+ bonus track - 9:10)

Format: Download

Buy Link: Bandcamp



A collection of the best tracks from Magic Bullet albums released on other labels, our previously unreleased session on

Neil Crud's Punk & Beyond radioshow, plus what some of our musical contemporaries have done with our sounds...


01. The MMATT Mashup Reborn (5:59) - vs Magic Moments At Twilight Time

from "OPTIMAS" (Hamfuggi Records, Spain / Argentina / Japan)

02. Duelling Fanjos (5:46) - vs GMPSCKT

from "ΚΟΛΛΑΒΟΡΑΤΙΣ" (Default Standard Records, Greece)

03. Jump Cut Jive (4:33)

from "OBSCURITAS" (Otcrah Records, Mexico)

04. Длинная Aудио Pабота C Претенциозным Hазванием Hа Pусском Языке (8:29)

from "SOLIDARIETAS" (Broken Tape Records, Russia)

05.RPM Challenge Dance Party (Radio Play Mix 3:15)

from "RATIONE PERSONAE MENTALIS" (The Church Of Noisy Goat, Brazil)

06. Charivna Kulya (Fraternitas Edit 6:00) Conny Plankton

from "BUG METALLIC" (Conny Plankton, England)

07. Def Rig (Short Chill Mix) (8:43)

from "MAN + MACHINE : IN HARMONY / IN DISCORD" (Mean Flow, Greece)

08. Another Face (2:50) - vs Filmy Ghost

from "Junji ito's: TOMIE (川上 富江)" (Internet Daemon, Chile)

09. In My World, I Am A Writer Of Some Repute (5:15)

from "MI CASA, SU CASA" (Electronic Cottage / Hal Tapes, U.S.A.)

10. Mmatterialisation Chamber (4:09) - Howl in the Typewriter

 from "Burning Down The Shack" (Shack In The Barley Productions, England)

11. Magic Bullet In Session II: Punk & Beyond* (13:13)

representing "CRUDITAS" (Link 2 Wales Records, Wales)

*Originally broadcast on Louder Than War Radio, 29th August 2022

i) The Assimilation Of Neil Crud's Spam Javelin

ii) Officer Kitty & The Mutant Mashup

iii) Medley A Política (Chumpy Chumpy Trump Trump / Slap Putin / Tory Pigs)

BONUS TRACK. Magic Moments At Twilight Time - Magic Moments At Twilight Time (9:10)

1991 live recording, from "FLASHBAX Ω ULTIMATE" (Klappstuhl Records, Germany)

The Magic Bullet would like to extend their huge thanks to; 

Jordi Heras Fauque, Gabriel Pereira Spurr, Olympus Cosmos,

Gerardo Colin, Alexey Kondart, Elling Lien, Bode, Kev Trundley,

Theofil Tsiolakakis, Sábila Orbe & Mist Spectra, Hal McGee, pStan Batcow, Neil Crud and Carsten S.


Following last summer's straight up 'best of The Bullet', Centurion, we thought that this summer we'd instead go for something a little broader. Fraternitas is intended to serve as a thank you to all the fine labels who have unleashed a Magic Bullet album on their unsuspecting listeners, our Bandcamp release including links directly to our albums on theirs, so they know we appreciate their valiant sacrifice, vis-ŕ-vis damage to their hearing and reputations.

Mostly, we've picked what we thought was the best track on each album (or edit thereof), except with Cruditas, where that concept didn't really work coz it was only a promotional EP / mini album. So, we didn't want to include anything that was already available on our Bandcamp, and four of the tracks are (three on Communitas, one on Curiositas), and Officer Kitty And The God Of Love will be soonish on the Officer Kitty: Legacy project. So, what we did was stitch together all the bits from the Magic Bullet session on Cruddy's Punk & Beyond radioshow that it was intended to promote, which kind of works better for the listener, because it hasn't been previously released. Sorted.

In addition, we've included three tracks made by other artistes upon which we are credited; Conny Plankton, Filmy Ghost and Howl in the Typewriter.

And finally, a vintage bonus track, originally from our (in the Magic Moments At Twilight Time sense of the word 'our') 1991 album, White Hawk Atomic (Live On Alpha Nebuli IV), digitally remastered in 2015 by Klappstuhl for the best of MMATT double album, Flashbax Ω Ultimate.


M a y   t h e   s p i r i t   o f   t h e   u n d e r g r o u n d   l i v e   f o r e v e r . . .