Y E A R I V : O c t o b e
r 2 0 2 2 - S e p t e m b e r
2 0 2 3
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3rd October 2022 - Ničení
Stromů (Make It Harder To Breathe) - a duet for the destruction of trees
and electronica... |
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26th October 2022 - Officer
Kitty vs The Donut (Halloween Special) - Stuart Hamiltons's scary donut
terrifies our pussy concrète... |
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3rd December 2022 - Requiem
For The Thunder Rider - for the album "Cosmic Silver", a tribute
to the late and great Nik Turner... |
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21st & 27th December 2022 -
We Wish You A Merry Xmas / I Want More Toys! - seasons greetings, it's ApocalyXmas Now... |
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27th December 2022 - Four Minutes
And Thirty-Three Seconds Of Your Life You Will Never Get Back - tick tick tick...
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8th January
2023 - Godspunk Volume 24 (Pumf Records, PUMF 854) -
from Stan
Batcow including two Bullet tracks ...
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2nd February 2023 -
Hackensall Road - our tribute to the work of David Lynch continues
with a prequel to Mi Casa, Su Casa... |
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4th February 2023 - Come The
Dreamquake - something wicked this way comes, with lawnmower blades
and beating drums... |
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6th February 2023 - S.T.A.C.
- for an EFSPACM project themed on overcoming anger, this is 83 seconds
of totally losing the battle... |
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28th February 2023 - Malwen
Row - when EFSPACM wanted to do an album for the RPM Challenge, we
got all nostalgic... |
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6th March 2023 - We'll Think
Of A Title Soon, Promise
- um, I'll come back with a description for this in a couple of days,
probably... |
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16th March 2023 -
- a dark and textured alien drone for the Plataforma Recs 'Noise Around
The World' series... |
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4th April 2023 - Preplacing
Cark Prepacking Carl - a 'One Sound Poem' created from crumpling a
piece of chocolate box paper... |
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13th April 2023 - Man + Machine : In Harmony / In Discord (Mean Flow) -
collaboration with the Greek electro-experimentalist...
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14th April 2023 - Elementalis
(Bromtol Largesse)
- a special Chinese Wu Xing themed
compilation, lovingly curated by yours truly...
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23rd May 2023 - 23 Ruídos - and the
Magic Bullet release goes to... The Church Of Noisy Goat! 23 lots of noisy,
to be precise... |
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1st June
2023 - Centurion (Music & Elsewhere, M&E MB-010) - celebrating 100
releases, the very best of the Magic Bullet...
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8th July 2023 -
Mmatterialisation Chamber - Howl in the Typewriter re-imagine our "In
My World, I Am A Writer Of Some Repute"... |
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15th July 2023 - Requiem
Maternus - processing the loss of my birth mother, with thanks to the
collaboration of El Zombie Espacial... |
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24th August 2023 - Taking The Piss In The Name Of Art - liquid
ambience recorded on and for International Strange Music Day... |
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N S : Y E A R I I I
M A G I C B U L L E T I N S : Y E A R V |
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