Y E A R I I I : O c t o b e
r 2 0 2 1 - S e p t e m b e r
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1st October 2021 - Communitas:
Volume I (Music & Elsewhere, M&E MB-005)
- our second birthday
celebration starts here...
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8th October
2021 - The Cage Variations (Music & Elsewhere, M&E MB-008) - inspired
by the great John Wills podcast series...
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15th October
2021 - Communitas: Volume II (Music & Elsewhere, M&E MB-006) - the
fun continues, let's play pass the parcel...
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22nd October
2021 - Eleven Experiments In Trisecting Them (Music & Elsewhere, M&E MB-009)
- with video by Gordon Way...
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29th October
2021 - Communitas: Volume III (Music & Elsewhere, M&E MB-007) - time
to grab your party bags and go home...
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17th October
2021 - The First Time I Did Acid
- an appropriately trippy piece
for the lysergic theme, and a poem to go with it... |
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1st November 2021 - The
Grimmered - the adventures and frustrations of a man versus two
hedgetrimmers, RPM track no. 9... |
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4th November 2021 - Hey,
Ingles - a humorous visit to a somewhat unwelcoming café for Vladimir Vpdodo's Shorty Music series... |
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30th November 2021 - Who Is
Earthshine? - an immersive harsh white noise experience for a tenth RPM
Challenge offering... |
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5th December 2021 - UnCaged:
33'4'' - the antithesis of Cage's 4'33'', masking external sounds as
opposed t0 listening to them... |
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1st January 2022 - A Soluble
Symphony (In Four Movements) - the gentle 'plink-plink-fizz' in a
tumbler, made symphonic... |
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25th January 2022 - DJ Set
By MC Shellac - a frantic 1939 party mix on a Columbia Grafonola,
musique concrète style, of course... |
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30th January 2022 - RPM
Challenge Dance Party - a good mash up of our 11 RPM Challenge
ear-bleeders, with a dance beat... |
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1st February 2022 - Εννέα
Πυλώνες Σοφίας -
nine pillars of wisdom, in collaboration with Greek
experimentalist, Mean Flow... |
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14th February 2022 - Officer
Kitty & The God Of Love - Valentine's Day Bullet style, with special
guest, Spam Javelin's Neil Crud... |
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21st February 2022 - Vlk S
Puškou - our first recording for a Czech label (it means 'wolf with
rifle'), the darkest drone, then BANG... |
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9th March
2022 - Ratione Personae Mentalis (The Church Of Noisy Goat, TCNG 388)
- the 7 hour mega album escapes in Brazil...
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12th March 2022 - FUCK /
- well, frankly, we'd sooner see him stand trial, but hey, we're giving
you the choice... |
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12th March 2022 -
Stop A Chur Le Gach Cogadh (Deireadh
Leis An Screadaíl) - stop all wars, let the screaming end, for
Ukraine... |
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20th March
2022 - Politic Social Club (Camembert Électrique) -
exhibition soundtrack album
including five pieces by your truly...
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30th March 2022 - Quid Pro
Quagga - the Magic Bullet go to work on the wild sound creations of
Michael Ridge, aka Zebra Mu... |
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10th April 2022 - Jump Cut
Jive - for IFAR's musique concrète series, jump cuts with a groovy
drumbeat for all you hep cats... |
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8th May 2022 - ANOTHER FACE
- a complete surprise for us, we've been heavily sampled by none other
than Filmy Ghost... |
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25th May 2022 - There Is
Nothing But Darkness At The End Of The Tunnel - for those days when you
know nothing good beckons... |
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1st June 2022 - Ushqar -
on the contrary, a nice cheerful piece for sitars and drums to lift you from
the doldrums of that one... |
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18th June 2022 - La
Carretera Caótica - 10 years ago, I used to drive a taxi, I still have
nightmares about it! So I'm sharing them... |
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22nd July
2022 - Optimas (Hamfuggi Records) - the absolutely totally must-have
kind of best of Magic Bullet sampler album...
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10th August 2022 - Gold
Right Of Gods Solaces - an epic battle twixt good and evil rages in the
skies above us, we close the door... |
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19th August 2022 -
Simulation Theory - the Bullet get a little elektro funky with guitar
and a cool beat, but all is not what it seems... |
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20th August 2022 - Peace (Spaffed
Up The Wall) - poem concrète from the speeches of the great, the good,
the bad and the ugly... |
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20th August 2022 -
Cruditas (Link 2 Wales Records) -
from those
occasions we've crossed swords with Neil Crud's Spam Javelin...
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29th August 2022 - Magic Bullet
In Session For Neil Crud's "Punk & Beyond" Show On Louder Than War Radio!
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M A G I C B U L L E T I N S : Y E A R I
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